Weather warning: Storm sweeps across eastern Austria

After a sunny day, the clouds will slowly thicken in the north and east as the day progresses. However, there will be considerably more clouds on the northern edge of the Alps, and it will snow lightly at first. South of the main Alpine ridge and in south-eastern Styria and southern Burgenland; however, the weather will be mostly sunny until the evening. Temperatures will rise from minus 12 to plus 2 degrees in the morning to minus 1 to plus 5 degrees during the day. The winds will be moderate…

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Why viruses are now spreading even faster

The sub-zero temperatures have Austria firmly in their grip and promote the spread of viruses. An expert explains why. Colds, coughs, and fevers—although the number of coronavirus infections is slowly declining, other respiratory diseases keep workplaces and classrooms empty. According to ÖGK, over 200,000 insured persons were reported sick in the year’s first week. The virology department at MedUni Vienna also recorded increased influenza virus activity. “This signals the start of the flu epidemic in Austria,” says virologist Monika Redlberger-Fritz. The enormous cold snap in the country is also playing…

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New week brings changeable winter weather

All about the weather in ViennaThe weather will remain wintry, with a brief interruption. Geosphere forecasted this in a preview of the new week. Regional snowfall is possible on MondayAccording to the forecast, clouds will predominate on the northern side of the Alps as far as western Lower Austria on Monday, with occasional light or light snowfall in some regions, but otherwise, it will remain mostly dry, and the sun will shine from time to time. Local patches of fog or high fog in the south will usually clear soon.…

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Austria: Thousands of e-cards will be blocked today

The blocking of the e-card affects those insured in Austria or who were insured last year but who do not have a photo in the files of the passport or driving license authorities or the Aliens Register for issuing an e-card with a photo by the end of the year. Children under 14 are exempt from the photo requirement on the e-card, and people aged 70 and over or in care levels four to seven are also not at risk of being blocked. You can still claim benefitsAccording to the…

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Attention! Important deadline for drivers

Attention drivers: January 14 is an important Digital Annual Vignette 2024 deadline! What you need to know now. The “old” annual vignettes are still valid until January 31, 2024, when the 2023 vignette year finally ends. This means that from February 1, you must either click or pick correctly: the adhesive vignette in sunny yellow or the digital vignette in 2024. To ensure that the Digital Annual Vignette is also valid from February 1, ASFINAG reminds you of the deadline of January 14. Because the Digital Annual Vignette can only…

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Climate bonus 2024 – will be paid out in autumn this year

If you’re still waiting for your 2023 climate bonus, it’s finally coming. The bonus for 2024 will only be available in the fall. In 2024, you will again receive a climate bonus from the state, but payment will not start until the fall. Nevertheless, around 500,000 people in Austria will receive a climate bonus starting in February. These people still don’t have the climate bonus for 2023 and are only now getting their chance. If you missed the 2023 climate bonus, you did not meet the requirements by the July…

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Austria: Population older, but many chronically ill

Austrians are living longer and staying healthy for longer. Nevertheless, according to the health report published by the Ministry of Health, around two-thirds of the population suffers from chronic illnesses. According to the report, women and men in Austria have been living on average two and 2.9 years longer since 2005. They are also staying healthier for longer: men spend 7.4 and women 7.8 years longer in good health than in 1991. The report now published is the second of its kind. The first health report was published in 2016,…

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Freezing cold and snowfall characterize the current weather situation

After Epiphany, the weather changed drastically, and icy winter air from the east settled over large parts of the country. Winter shows its cold side, with snowfall, frost, and low temperatures. The lowest temperatures for six years have even been recorded in Vienna. In this weather report, we look at the current conditions, shed light on the outlook for the coming days and give an outlook on possible changes in the second half of the week. Wintry start to the weekThe beginning of the week was characterized by snowfall, frost…

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Fenstertage 2024: Making better use of vacation days

The new year has just begun, and you’re already considering where to travel in 2024. After all, you work hard enough and deserve a little time off every now and then. However, it is advisable to look at your calendar to get even more vacation days (provided you don’t work on weekends and public holidays). The ultimate overview of all 2024 window days:The first few months are rather unfavourable for vacation planning, so you must be patient until April. You can then get your money’s worth at Easter: with just…

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