Survey on waste prevention: Austrians could do more

While recycling is already firmly anchored in the everyday lives of many people in this country, Austria still has some catching up to do when it comes to avoiding waste. According to a representative study by the Association of Austrian Waste Management Companies (VOEB), people aged 60 and over are setting a positive example. Six out of ten people in this age group are conscious of avoiding waste. Overall, however, only 43 percent of all Austrians do so. Waste avoidance: Young people need to be made more awareAccording to Wednesday’s…

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Winter wonderland in some areas in Austria this weekend

On Thursday, more and more high clouds will gather from the west, and towards the evening and at night, it will start to rain a little in the west and southwest. In the east and south, fog may persist until after midday. The wind will blow weakly to moderately in places briskly from southerly directions at high altitudes and in foehn lines. Early morning temperatures range from minus 6 to plus 4 degrees, and daytime highs range from 7 to 14 degrees. On Friday, a small-scale area of low pressure…

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Snow at Christmas? Weather services give first assessment

What could be better than snow on Christmas Day? The weather services are now making their first predictions about whether it could happen this year. Christmas is less than 60 days away, and many people are already wondering: Will we get a white Christmas this time? Now we have the first answers. Historically speaking, a “white Christmas” is rarely the caseIf you look at the last few decades, you quickly conclude that you probably shouldn’t get your hopes up too high: Bregenz, Linz, Graz and Klagenfurt have not had snow…

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Coronavirus: number of new infections on the rise in Austria

With the cold temperatures, the viruses have also returned, and not just the classic cold viruses. According to Judith Aberle, Professor of Virus Immunology at the Medical University of Vienna, these account for less than a quarter of infections. The coronavirus, on the other hand, now dominates again, with 44 percent of the samples analyzed in the sentinel system. “We have seen increased virus activity in the sentinel system for several weeks. On average, 30 percent of those tested are SARS-CoV-2 positive. Last week, however, there was a further increase,…

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It’s autumn in Austria: this week’s weather will be changeable

The coming week will bring changeable weather with rain and snow up to 1,200 meters above sea level. According to Geosphere Austria, the highest temperatures of up to 16 degrees are expected on Monday, with a maximum of eleven degrees on Friday. On Monday, sunny and precipitation-free weather will prevail during the day with a slight intermediate-high influence. In southern basins, fog and high fog patches may persist slightly longer. During the afternoon, clouds will increase again from the west and in the evening, it will drizzle in Vorarlberg and…

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Austrians have the third-highest net income in the EU

The inflation of the past few months has left many Austrians struggling. However, a recent Eurostat study now shows that people in Austria are grumbling at a high level. Suppose one adjusts the net disposable income for inflation. In that case, it becomes clear that Austrians have the third highest incomes in the EU – this is the conclusion reached by Eurostat in a recent analysis. This figure is almost 2,000 euros or around eight percent higher than in Germany or 6,400 euros or 34 percent higher than the EU…

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Sky spectacle: Rare auroras Sunday evening over Austria

A rare natural spectacle drew attention to the skies over Austria on Sunday evening. Pink auroras could be seen on the horizon just after 6 p.m. in many parts of the country. Later on Monday night, the colourful celestial spectacle could even expand and intensify. Usually, auroras can only be seen in the far north, such as in Scandinavia. However, a unique constellation is currently making them visible beyond the Alps. The spectacular lights could also be seen from Lower Austria and Vienna on Sunday evening. The social networks were…

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Digital climate ticket from November 27: these three apps are compatible

Two hundred sixty-two thousand users of the Climate Ticket can currently use all public transport throughout Austria.Now, they are getting a wish they expressed in a survey fulfilled: From November 27, the ticket will also be available digitally. “With the digital climate ticket, public transport is even more convenient and comfortable to experience,” said Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) on Thursday. Install the app from ÖBB, Westbahn or Wiener LinienTo obtain this, install the ÖBB, Westbahn or Wiener Linien app on your smartphone and call the climate ticket there.…

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Austria extends border controls with Slovakia

Austria has extended its border controls with Slovakia by a further twenty days, as announced by the Ministry of the Interior on Friday.Previously, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Slovenia had already extended the controls introduced at the beginning of October. The focus of the measures is the fight against people smuggling, it said. 19 smugglers have already been arrested at the borderThe Ministry of the Interior said that since controls started on October 4, the police have been able to apprehend 19 individuals smugglers at the Slovakian border…

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