Start of autumn vacations in Austria will be foggy and wet with windy national holiday

Somewhat unsettled weather continues this week, with brief sunny spells alternating with rain showers. A brisk westerly flow will flutter the flag especially vigorously on National Day. Today, Wednesday – Temporary calming of the weather. In the south, the significant rain will soon be over; in Hermagor, more than 90 liters per square meter have fallen since yesterday. However, the weather will remain unstable; showers are possible at this time. In East Tyrol, Upper and Central Carinthia, the Salzburg Tauern area and Styria around the upper Murtal, it will even…

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Police warn of massive wave of fraud

Due to an acute wave of fraudulent calls, police are issuing an urgent warning about what is a well-known scam. Just how acute the problem of fraudulent calls is is also shown by the fact that the LPD Tirol felt compelled to write a “special press release” on Tuesday. Under the title “Current call fraud wave! Warning message to the population”, the executive branch draws attention to a phenomenon occurring more frequently. According to the release, recent fraud attempts mainly affect the Schwaz district in the Zillertal area. Fraudsters pretend…

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Cash remains the most popular means of payment in Austria

According to a survey conducted by the Oesterreichische National Bank (OeNB), cash remains the preferred means of payment in Austria. Ninety-five percent of the population cannot imagine a world without cash, and 64 percent believe it should retain its importance. On average, Austrians carry 102 euros in cash in their wallets, compared with 95 euros in 2021. For 93 percent of respondents, cash is the “optimal means of payment” in brick-and-mortar stores. Payment cards are also popularIn addition to cash, payment cards are also popular in stationary retail, both those…

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Vienna lowers prices for district heating

Vienna is cutting prices for district heating yet another time. The reason for this is a recommendation by the city’s Fairness Commission, which last examined and evaluated the cost development, as the office of Finance City Councilor Peter Hanke (SPÖ) announced on Monday. The commission had been set up after Wien Energie had roughly doubled prices the previous year, prompting massive criticism. Since then, reductions have already been announced twice. Now, there is to be a third relief step. According to Hanke, the commission, headed by the lawyer Walter Barfuß,…

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The weather remains mild but becomes increasingly unsettled

Meteorologists at Geosphere Austria also forecast mild weather for the new week in a release on Sunday, although it is expected to become increasingly unsettled. Weather ViennaMonday will start in some inner Alpine basins and valleys, as well as in the eastern lowlands and on the eastern edge of the Alps, with fog or high fog of varying persistence. Afterwards, however, the sun will shine for the most part. The weather in the mountains will be sunny and dry in the morning. Towards evening, the first denser clouds will move…

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Wiener Reparaturbon available again

The Wiener Reparaturbon is available again today after successful campaigns and high demand in previous years. High demand for ReparaturbonWith the Wiener Reparaturbon, estimates or repairs of products that are not electrical appliances are up to 50 percent cheaper, with a maximum discount of 100 euros. Repair of electrical appliances excluded with Wiener ReparaturbonItems range from handbags, toys and watches to bicycles and furniture. Services such as knife sharpening, trouser mending and repairs to musical instruments can also be claimed from businesses in the repair network. This voucher is supplemented…

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New law: Pharmacies may stay open until 9 p.m. in the future

The approximately 1,400 pharmacies in Austria will be allowed to stay open longer starting in January 2024 and be allowed to offer additional services. This is provided for in the amendment to the Pharmacy Act, which was sent for review by the Ministry of Health on Friday. It is to come into force at the beginning of 2024. It is the first adjustment to the legal framework since 1984. Probably the most important innovation is the significant expansion of the permitted opening hours, which will be adapted to those in…

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National Bank: Inflation makes Austrians poorer

Although the net disposable income of Austrians rose by 10.9 percent in nominal terms to 250.3 billion euros last year, it only increased by 3.3 percent in real terms. Due to high inflation, the financial assets of private households have also lost significant value in real terms, according to calculations by the National Bank, namely by 10 percent in 2022 and by another 7 percent in the first half of 2023. “High inflation and limited potential returns on savings products recently caused households to lose wealth in real terms,” Johannes…

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So cold in Austria on Wednesday

Autumn is making its way into Austria. While the temperatures in the afternoon, thanks to Föhn, rose to a pleasant 20 degrees, Wednesday began cold and frosty in many places. Schwarzau im Freiwald (Lower Austria) experienced a bitterly cold minus 6.5 degrees. But also in the big cities, it was freezing in the morning: in Salzburg, even minus temperatures were measured for the first time this autumn. It will get warmer again.Some clouds will move through in the west and southwest on Wednesday, but there will be sunny spells in…

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