Abrupt Weather Changes in Austria

On Sunday, the sun will shine from Vorarlberg to Carinthia after quickly clearing early fog. In the north and east, dense cloud fields and intermittent light rain will move in during the morning with strong westerly to northwesterly winds, accumulating in the day, especially in the eastern Alps. In the south and especially in the west, it will remain dry. In the afternoon, it will loosen up again from the northeast. Temperatures will reach 16 to 26 degrees from north to south.Foehn and wind cloud the friendly October trend On…

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2023 is on course to be the warmest year on record

The current year is on course to be the warmest since records began. That was announced Thursday by the EU’s Copernicus climate change service. The report said the hot September, following a summer of record temperatures, tipped the scales. It noted that average temperatures in 2023 have been 1.4 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. That’s only 0.1 degrees below the 1.5 degrees of the Paris climate agreement issued as a climate target, which should not be exceeded in the long term until the end of the century. In September, however,…

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First forecast: winter season will warm

Last September was the hottest ever. On average, it was 3.2 degrees hotter than usual – on the mountains, it was even 4.2 degrees! And October has also been too warm so far: in the coming week, temperatures will rise again to 26 degrees. Geosphere Austria’s long-term forecast shows that the unusually mild weather will likely continue in the coming months. The probability of above-average temperatures from October to December is almost 80%. Only 10% will have a freezing autumn/early winter. The forecast for the individual monthsThe individual months of…

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Why Covid Symptoms Vary So Widely

Because of the high autumn temperatures, there are currently only a few COVID-19 infections, and the symptoms still vary widely, from a cold to severe illness. This is mainly due to immunological reasons – but not only. According to current data from the Ages and the Wastewater Monitoring, almost only XBB variants of Omckron are circulating in Austria, with the Eris sub-variant (EG.5.1) accounting for the lion’s share at 40 percent. One of these pathogens probably caught director Sarah Scherer in September, and the infection was rather severe, the 34-year-old…

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Warm and sunny weather in Austria, except on Sunday

The upcoming days are expected to have mostly pleasant weather with highs of 26 degrees, according to the Geosphere Austria experts. Rain showers and strong winds are expected on Sunday in the north and east due to a cold front foothill. On Friday, however, the sunny weather character prevails throughout Austria under the continuing influence of high pressure in the Eastern Alps. Early fog patches will also mostly dissolve during the first half of the day. In the Danube region, the wind will be moderate from the west—early temperatures ranging…

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Heat record: hottest October day in Austria’s fair history

October 3, 2023—Tuesday—marked the warmest October day since measurements began. At the weather station of Geosphere Austria (formerly ZAMG) in Langenlebarn in Lower Austria, a new Austrian record for October was set at 30.3 degrees. Many other weather stations also set new October temperature records for their respective measurement locations on Monday and Tuesday, weather and climate experts reported. 30.3 degrees in Langenlebarn: data check before official temperature record entryThe highest temperature measured in October in Austria was 30.2 degrees on October 4, 1966, in Fussach in Vorarlberg. In second…

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Civil defence rehearsal alert will take place this Saturday

The nationwide civil defence practice alarm is set to sound again this Saturday, October 7. Between 12:00 and 12:45, after the “siren rehearsal” signal, the three civil defence signals, “warning,” “alarm,” and “all-clear,” will be broadcast throughout Austria. This serves to check the technical equipment of the warning and alarm system and is also intended to familiarize the population with the signals and their meaning. With the sirens, KATWARN Austria/Austria will be tested again, the Ministry of the Interior announced on Tuesday. This system, which transmits information and warnings from…

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Weather fall: cold front brings rain and massive cooling

In the north and east, the day will often start sunny, especially over the peaks of the Alps, and in the south and southeast, there will initially be heavier clouds and rain showers. There will typically be sunny skies here in the afternoon as well. The wind will still blow from the northwest, especially in the east, but will become increasingly weaker during the day—the early temperatures are 8 to 16 degrees, and the daily highs are 16 to 23 degrees. The forecast in detailVienna: Not much remains of the…

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Study: 97% of children use their smartphones during school hours

A recent study found that an astonishing 97 percent of students use their smartphones during school hours, and 60 percent also use them at night, from midnight to 5 a.m. on school days. A study shows high consumption of mobile phones. Most screen time was spent on social media such as Instagram and Snapchat (32%), followed by YouTube and games during school hours. The nighttime use of the phone mainly used the same media, with YouTube being the app that was used the longest, as the videos were played all…

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