Doctors call for the return of FFP2 masks in health sector

“It is our concern, with this letter, to remind the medical profession in Austria of our top professional priority: protecting the health of our patients!” Thus begins an open letter addressed to the Austrian Medical Association. It was initiated by the physician Golda Schlaff and signed by 15 physicians. Among them are also proven COVID experts: Arschang Valipour, for example, Kathryn Hoffmann and Mariann Pavone-Gyöngyösi. So what is the three-page letter about? First and foremost, the long-term consequences that a COVID-19 infection can cause. Too little information is given to…

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The repair bonus starts again on September 25, 2023

The washing machine rumbles, and the coffee machine hisses: even household appliances have occasional aches and pains. But that’s no reason to throw them in the garbage can. They deserve a second chance. This protects not only the environment by saving resources but also our wallets. After all, a repair is much cheaper than buying a new one. A good incentive is the repair bonus introduced last year, a funding campaign by the Climate Protection Ministry aimed at private individuals living in Austria. Funds totalling 130 million euros are available…

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“Don’t flush trash”: less waste at Vienna wastewater treatment plant

The amount of garbage in Vienna’s wastewater treatment plant has decreased.The waste generated at Vienna’s wastewater treatment plant has been reduced by 335 tons since the “Don’t Flush Garbage” information campaign was launched in mid-2022. Viennese dispose of tonnes of waste via WC.“Our initiative against garbage disposed of incorrectly in the toilet or sewer is showing initial success,” said Vienna’s Climate City Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky (SPÖ) in a statement on Sunday. The Viennese sewage treatment plant now receives about five percent less waste, such as wet wipes, tampons or cigarette…

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Omicron vaiant ERIS now rampant in Austria

Experts expect a new Corona wave in the fall. The number of cases is already on the rise. Since July, the new omicron derivative “Eris” has been spreading worldwide from Asia and is now causing increasing numbers of newly infected people in Austria. The new virus strain is a so-called escape variant, which, due to a further mutation in the spike protein, can better bypass immune protection – whether through vaccination or a previous infection with a previous variant. Experts, therefore, already advise the mask. It is indeed an unpopular…

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Vienna in figures 2023: Surprising facts about Viennese city life

In “Vienna in Figures 2023,” interesting facts about the federal capital exist. Did you know that the average age of the Viennese is 41? And that about a third of all women living in Vienna are academics, which puts them above the figure for men? These and many other astonishing facts can be read in the brochure “Vienna in Figures 2023,” published in evident form by the Vienna State Statistics Department (MA 23). Almost 275,000 people commute to Vienna to work, and around 100,000 Viennese are employed outside the city.…

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Schoolyear 2023-2024 started yesterday in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland

The new school year begins Monday for around 502,000 students in Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland. This includes around 42,500 1st graders taking their seats in a classroom for the first time. This year, there are new curricula in the first classes of elementary schools, AHS lower secondary schools, and middle schools. Another innovation: the nursing schools are no longer school experiments but part of the regular school system.There is still a shortage of trained teachers at the schools. For this reason, the schools again rely on student teachers, lateral…

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Austrian and German Railways present new connections

ÖBB and Deutsche Bahn are expanding their cross-border services. With the timetable change in December, several new connections are planned, for example, an additional ICE between Berlin and Vienna via Nuremberg. For now, the two rail companies have not provided any details. The Austrians bought DB’s night train business years ago and are a significant operator of night trains in Europe. ÖBB wants to expand the business, as has always been said. The night services from Vienna include Paris, Brussels, and Genoa. In addition, another daily connection from Hamburg to…

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The “Klimabonus” will be paid out today. This is the amount of money you will receive

The climate bonus will be paid out again today, but it will bring in far less money than last year. Instead of 500 euros, this time, one will receive, depending on the region, 110 to 220 euros. Viennese, for example, will receive the least since, according to the federal government’s explanation, they could fall back on public transportation. On the other hand, municipalities with only “basic public transport facilities” will receive the maximum amount. In total, these are 1,498 municipalities. This is how much money you getHow high the climate…

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30 degrees! Heatwave heads straight for Austria

The weather in eastern Austria is at its best right before the start of the new school year. Temperatures rise to 30 degrees. At the beginning of the week, an extensive high-pressure system prevails from the west. Thus, the weather will be calm throughout the week, often sunny and with above-average temperatures. On Monday, there will be some clouds, especially in the mountains, but except for a few drops on the eastern edge of the Alps, it will remain dry from early morning on, and the sun will shine in…

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