Vienna on TIME Magazine’s list of top travel destinations for the first time

Vienna is the first destination in Austria to make it onto TIME Magazine’s list of “World’s Greatest Places.” Since 2018, TIME Magazine has been selecting a list of the “World’s Greatest Places.” This year, Vienna also made it to the top 50 destinations. What makes Vienna a top travel destination for TIME Magazine?In its citation, TIME Magazine praises Vienna as a “classical city, modernized” and highlights those developments that have made the federal capital the world’s most livable city in various rankings. These include, for example, bicycle and pedestrian friendliness,…

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The City of Vienna seeks 21,000 new employees

The City of Vienna is on the lookout: 21,000 positions must be filled by 2030. For this reason, one starts now a large personnel offensive, including an advertising campaign, as mayor Michael Ludwig and personnel city councillor Jürgen Czernohorszky (both SPÖ) communicated on Friday. The fields of work, so it was assured, are various. Employees are being sought in social, technical or even digital areas.In total, the city employs around 67,000 people. For example, the City of Vienna is now organizing its job fair for the first time to fill…

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Last chance for energy bonus: Applications are only possible until March 31

Austria’s households have submitted around 3 million vouchers for energy cost compensation. This corresponds to a relief volume of 440 million euros, calculated by the Ministry of Finance on Friday in a release. However, of the vouchers submitted, around 365,000 were rejected due to incorrect information, so only a relief volume of 375 million euros was realized. Applications are still possible until the end of March. The vouchers can be presented to the respective electricity provider, reducing the annual bill by 150 euros. As one of the first anti-inflation measures,…

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Penalty for cell phone driving to increase significantly

Fines for violations of the cell phone ban behind the wheel will be increased – and significantly. Cell phone behind the wheel: higher fines to be paid in futureIf drivers are caught while driving, it will cost 100 euros instead of 50 euros. If payment is refused or drivers are caught in a speed trap with a cell phone in their hand, the fine can be up to 140 euros. Previously, it was 72 euros. The Traffic Committee of the National Council passed a corresponding amendment to the Motor Vehicle…

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Housing costs in Austria: Sharp rise in operating costs

Housing again became more expensive in the fourth quarter of 2022. The increases in operating costs, in particular, were considerable due to high inflation. At the end of the year, average rents, including operating fees, stood at EUR 8.9 per square meter, representing a price increase of 7 percent. Operating expenses increased by 6.2 percent across all rental segments, which was the “highest quarterly increase in the previous year since 2006,” according to Statistics Austria. Operating costs include fees for water, sewage, garbage collection, and common charges such as elevators,…

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First 20 degrees, but then comes the weather turnaround

The coming days will be spring-like mild, up to 20 degrees in large parts of Austria. Only on Sunday, a low will make itself felt again. In the coming days, significantly warmer air masses will reach us again in the gradually developing southwesterly flow and be slightly foehn. Only on Sunday an offshoot of the current Atlantic low Gerson will make itself felt—the weather outlook from UWZ man Roland Reiter in detail. On Friday, the sun will shine widely. Any early morning fog will quickly dissipate, and only a few…

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The number of corona hospital patients in Austria declined in early March

Corona pandemic trends in Austria have been declining again since early March. Mask requirement in Vienna’s public transport system to endFor the second year, the Covid forecasting consortium expects a decline in hospitalized Covid-19 patients. According to the latest forecast, the assessment assumes that the number of infected patients in intensive care units will remain roughly the same and show a downward trend in normal wards. Vaccination line at Austria Center Vienna to be closedThis is the current Corona situation in Austria’s hospitals1,336 Corona-positive patients were in Austrian hospitals on…

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New 200-euro bonus in Vienna – this is how you get the money

Mayor Michael Ludwig has promised thousands of Vienna residents a new windfall. But the money is not directly deposited in the account. During his speech at the Vienna SPÖ club meeting, Vienna’s city leader Michael Ludwig announced a whole new relief package for citizens plagued by inflation. Several cash bonuses at once are intended to make housing affordable. Because the government is running out of time to decide on a possible rent break and no solution is in sight, Vienna is now moving forward with its 5-point program: A large…

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Test end – What to do if Corona is suspected?

Corona numbers are high, but the free test program is about to end. “The positivity rate is still very high at 20 percent.” This was stated now by Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Havel, CEO and founder of the Lifebrain lab, after the Vienna Corona lab, terminated 122 more employees. This would further align the location and staffing levels with current Corona requirements. Since the beginning of March, a negative PCR test no longer has to be presented when visiting hospitals and nursing homes – meaning the last testing requirement in…

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