Thousands of euros in subsidies will still be available in 2024 to purchase an electric car or motorcycle. Applications can be submitted now.
Anyone who buys an electric vehicle privately will again receive a subsidy from the Ministry of Climate Protection and car importers this year. Private individuals will receive a bonus of up to 5,000 euros when buying an electric car and 2,300 euros for electric motorcycles.
Applications for this funding can be submitted starting on February 21 at
“The future on the road is electric. That is why we are continuing our successful e-mobility promotion programme this year. With it, we are supporting the switch to emission-free cars and thus investing in clean and climate-friendly mobility,” says Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens).
What is being subsidized?
For the purchase of an electric car, the bonus is up to 5,000 euros, but beware: it only applies to private individuals. If you buy an electric motorcycle, you can receive a subsidy of up to 2,300 euros. Private charging infrastructure is supported with up to 600 euros for wall boxes or charging cables and up to 1,800 euros for shared systems in multi-party buildings. For publicly accessible charging infrastructure, the funding amount is up to 30,000 euros.
“We welcome the fact that it has been possible to continue the electric mobility purchase subsidy in 2024 together with the Ministry of Climate Protection. Especially in times when subsidies are being stopped in other countries due to budgetary restrictions, we believe it is a strong sign that the e-mobility bonus in Austria will continue unchanged from the previous year,” emphasizes Günther Kerle, spokesman for the Austrian car manufacturers and importers.
“Individual mobility is an important concern for us, alongside the expansion of public transport. In particular, we also want to pick up those who commute to their place of work or training,” says ÖVP transport spokesman Andreas Ottenschläger.
In Austria, more e-cars were newly registered than diesel-powered cars for the first time last year. The proportion of pure e-cars among new registrations broke a new record of 19.9 percent in 2023.
In addition to funding for private individuals, the ENIN and EBIN funding programmes support companies in converting their commercial vehicles and bus fleets to zero-emission vehicles.
- source: Bild von VariousPhotography auf Pixabay
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