City of Vienna extends “Energy Support Plus”

The campaign “Energy support plus” for low-income people is extended by the City of Vienna. This is to help with the payment of gas and electricity bills. The subsidy of up to 500 euros can be applied for by the approximately 200,000 eligible households not only until the end of the year but until June 30, 2023. In the meantime, 53.7 million euros have been paid out to almost 269,000 applicants for the additional, broader “Energy Bonus 22” of 200 euros. He is faithful to his word, Mayor Michael Ludwig…

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New snow roll approaching before Christmas

Austria must continue preparing for wintry and fresh weather during Christmas. Snow will fall again in the middle of the week.Monday will be cloudy in the north but mostly dry. In the Danube region, in the Waldviertel and the southern basins, persistent high fog will persist in some areas, and the sun will appear during the day, especially from Vorarlberg to the Tauern region. In the east, a brisk, icy southeast wind will blow. Temperatures will rise mainly to -4 to +2 degrees Celsius, in the western mountainous areas locally…

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After a two-year break: Vienna New Year’s Eve Trail makes a comeback

The Vienna New Year’s Eve Trail is celebrating a comeback after the Corona break. It will take place for the first time in two years.This was announced by the organizer, Stadt Wien Marketing, on Thursday. It is the 31st edition of the significant event, for which Vienna City will again be transformed into a party mile. The party is free of charge – at a total of six locations. City Hall Square is not available this year.This year, the eponymous path stretches around 1.5 kilometres and runs from the Freyung…

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Inflation, salary and benefit increases in the new year

For the first time in a long time, Corona is no longer likely to dominate the coming year. Instead, the focus will be on inflation in the face of multiple crises, so 2023 will bring higher energy prices and high salary and pension increases due to inflation. What is new is the automatic annual adjustment of social benefits and climate protection will make driving more expensive. More plastic waste will be collected, and animal welfare in agriculture will become stricter.According to the economic research institute WIFO, inflation will be around…

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Now 2 of the most dangerous virus waves are overtaking us

Half of Austria is on sick leave, hospitals are complete, and pediatricians are not picking up. Two experts reveal why. Austria is in an emergency: sick leave is increasing, and schools and kindergartens are partly empty. This time, however, it is not a Corona wave to blame, but two other dangerous viruses, coupled with a few other pathogens. “We are seeing a sharp increase in influenza infections week after week,” explains virologist Lukas Weseslindtner from MedUni Vienna’s Center for Virology. The interview was published in Austria’s daily newspaper “Heute.” In…

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Vienna sticks to stricter Corona rules: FFP2 requirement in public transport remains

In Vienna, the stricter Corona rules remain in place. In the federal capital, a negative PCR test must continue to be presented in hospitals and homes. In addition, the FFP2 mask obligation in public transport remains. While the Ministry of Health has lifted the 3G rule for visitors and employees in hospitals, older people’s homes, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities nationwide as of today (Friday), a negative PCR test no more than 72 hours old must still be presented in Vienna. In addition, FFP2 masks are mandatory. This also…

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Christmas season is almost “normal” this year even with the virus

Lockdowns, personal restrictions and tests: the Christmas season has been stressful for many since the pandemic began. In the meantime, however, the situation has calmed down, and we are facing an almost “normal” Christmas. But what should still be considered According to environmental physician Hans-Peter Hutter, you must “take care of each other a bit. It’s best to test beforehand. Ventilate regularly. That’s all it takes.” However, you should still pay attention to your symptoms because: “Simply running around cold and thinking that you only have a harmless cold is…

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Mild weather ahead of Christmas weekend in Austria

At the beginning of the coming week, it will become significantly milder from the west of Austria. The wintry weather conditions will only last until the weekend. Next week, there will be maximum temperatures of up to plus ten degrees Celsius. The relatively low prospect of a white Christmas, predicted by the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) on Wednesday, is thus also supported by the current forecast from Thursday. Before Christmas, the weekend comes mild weather from the westToday, Friday, it will still rain and snow frequently at…

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Smoking ban in Austria to be extended in 2023

The smoking ban in Austrian restaurants is to be extended to “additional outdoor public places” in 2023, according to plans by Health Minister Johannes Rauch. An amendment to the Tobacco and Non-Smoker Protection Act is “in final coordination,” reported. At the beginning of 2023, the corresponding amendment is to go into the review, which provides for a smoking ban and “children’s playgrounds and recreational areas for children and young people.” If children are in the vehicle, the smoking ban in cars must also be “controlled” by the driver in…

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