Christmas season is almost “normal” this year even with the virus

Lockdowns, personal restrictions and tests: the Christmas season has been stressful for many since the pandemic began. In the meantime, however, the situation has calmed down, and we are facing an almost “normal” Christmas. But what should still be considered According to environmental physician Hans-Peter Hutter, you must “take care of each other a bit. It’s best to test beforehand. Ventilate regularly. That’s all it takes.” However, you should still pay attention to your symptoms because: “Simply running around cold and thinking that you only have a harmless cold is…

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Mild weather ahead of Christmas weekend in Austria

At the beginning of the coming week, it will become significantly milder from the west of Austria. The wintry weather conditions will only last until the weekend. Next week, there will be maximum temperatures of up to plus ten degrees Celsius. The relatively low prospect of a white Christmas, predicted by the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) on Wednesday, is thus also supported by the current forecast from Thursday. Before Christmas, the weekend comes mild weather from the westToday, Friday, it will still rain and snow frequently at…

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Smoking ban in Austria to be extended in 2023

The smoking ban in Austrian restaurants is to be extended to “additional outdoor public places” in 2023, according to plans by Health Minister Johannes Rauch. An amendment to the Tobacco and Non-Smoker Protection Act is “in final coordination,” reported. At the beginning of 2023, the corresponding amendment is to go into the review, which provides for a smoking ban and “children’s playgrounds and recreational areas for children and young people.” If children are in the vehicle, the smoking ban in cars must also be “controlled” by the driver in…

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3G rule in hospitals and nursing homes dropped

With a new COVID-19 basic measures decree, the Ministry of Health is dropping the 3G rule in hospitals, retirement and nursing homes and other healthcare facilities starting today, Friday. The announcement was made via a news release. Employees and visitors will no longer need a valid 3G certificate as of tomorrow. The FFP2 mask obligation remains, however. Federal states and healthcare facilities can retain the 3G rule or a testing requirement. End of 3G rule in hospitals and nursing homesThe ministry justifies this step with the current situation in hospitals…

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6,751 new Corona infections reported in Austria on Wednesday

There were 6,751 new Corona infections reported in Austria on Wednesday. There were also 14 further Corona deaths registered. On average, 4,831 Corona infections were detected daily last week, according to AGES. As of Wednesday morning, there were 1,147 infected people in the hospital, up 61 from the previous day. Of these, 61 are in intensive care, down two from yesterday. On Wednesday, six thousand seven hundred fifty-one new Corona infections were reported in Austria.There were 14 Corona deaths reported. However, there are always time delays in the reports. Last…

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Here’s what the chances of a white Christmas look like in 2022

Climate change is also throwing a spanner in the works of white Christmas this year. According to the ZAMG forecast, a very mild weather situation with plus temperatures is emerging for the week before Christmas Eve. There will probably be no white Christmas this year either; the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) cautiously predicted a week and a half before the holiday. The Christmas holidays in Austria have become warmer by an average of one to 2.5 degrees in recent decades, and the chance of a white Christmas…

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Austrian Ministry of Finance issues warning to all citizens

Fraudulent text messages and emails purporting to come from the Ministry of Finance are on the rise. The real authority now warns against the scam. On Wednesday, the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) issued a warning against fake text messages sent to citizens in the name of the authority. The fraudulent statements promise recipients a tax refund of 730.30 euros. To receive this, only personal data would have to be disclosed. WARNING: The hyperlink in these fraudulent messages leads to a fake FinanzOnline-style website that asks for personal data such…

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Red warning level! Freezing rain makes roads slippery

From the night to Wednesday and during the day, a little depression north of the Alps moves eastward, resulting in milder and moist air masses entering the country. It brings short-term warming in central locations and, thus an increased risk of freezing rain. As a result, an air mass boundary establishes over the country’s north, separating icy air over northern Central Europe from the warm Mediterranean atmosphere. The forecast in detail: Dense clouds will persist on Wednesday, already in the morning, especially north of the Alps. In addition, it will…

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Attention: After snow now comes dangerous icy rain

On Tuesday, it will remain icy; only on Wednesday will it be a little warmer – but only at higher altitudes. Dangerous freezing rain is the result. On Monday, the -20-degree mark was cracked in inhabited valley areas for the first time this winter. This happened in Schmirn (-20.7°C) and St. Jakob Im Defereggental (-20.3°C), according to the UBIMET weather center. The night to Tuesday will be similarly cold. Locally -20 degrees are still within reach; otherwise, moderate to severe frost between -5 and -15 degrees is in sight. Tuesday…

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