Humans are heating the earth faster than ever before

According to a report published by the University of Leeds on Wednesday, global temperatures have risen by 0.26 degrees Celsius in the past ten years—more than at any time since records began. The current decade could bring a reversal – depending on how politicians and society decide. According to a report, man-made global warming is increasing faster than at any time since instrumental records began. In the past decade alone (2014–2023), the temperature has risen by around 0.26°C due to human activities, writes a team in the “Indicators of Global…

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Eating pasta every day: These are the consequences for our body

Pasta is a real must-have on the menu and is very popular with both children and adults. Pasta is quick and easy to prepare and is ideal if you want to cook something tasty but are not necessarily a professional chef. Nevertheless, there are a few preparation tips that you should keep in mind in order to experience the ultimate indulgence. For example, it is important to know whether pasta needs to be rinsed after cooking or not. Pasta is also very affordable, which makes it a popular choice if…

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Travel: Climate change brings new challenges

Due to climate change, conditions in vacation destinations are sometimes changing, which can significantly dampen vacation enjoyment and endanger health. This is because temperature and weather have an impact on possible diseases in the destination country. A number of pathogens – transmitted by ticks or mosquitoes – are increasingly penetrating new habitats. You don’t have to fly to faraway countries for this. Changes are already noticeable on vacation in Austria. For example, ticks are on the move much earlier – even as early as January – and are now almost…

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Which fruit contains the most sugar?

When discussing a healthy and balanced diet, we cannot ignore fruits, as they are known for their numerous benefits and contributions to the desired nutrition of the human body, such as vitamins, essential minerals, fiber, water and antioxidants. The promotion of fruit consumption for a healthy diet has been recognized worldwide, even by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has promoted its well-known campaigns for the consumption of 5 portions of fruit per day. Despite the described benefits of eating fruit, we must not forget one element they contain: natural…

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WHO alert for dengue fever: cases in Austria

Transmitted by mosquito bites, the life-threatening dengue fever continues to spread. The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned that cases are increasing rapidly, especially this year.By the end of April alone, 7.6 million cases had already been reported in 90 countries. 3.4 million of these have been confirmed. In more than 16,000 cases, people have become seriously ill, and 3,000 have died. This was reported by the WHO in Geneva on Thursday. In 2023, 4.5 million cases of the virus will have been reported. While most cases continue to be…

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Climate change brings wetter thunderstorms, experts say

Due to global warming, thunderstorm clouds increasingly carry more moisture and pile up higher, climate researcher Marc Olefs from Geosphere Austria told APA at a natural hazards conference in Vienna. According to Olefs, the dangers continue to increase as the climate crisis progresses. Therefore, protective structures and the flow of information between authorities, emergency services and those affected must be improved. According to Olefs, intact forests also reduce the risk of damage. Warm air can absorb seven percent more moisture per additional degree Celsius if the conditions for such saturation…

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Worms in the body from meat – Parasites lurk in our food – what you need to know

Only recently, a case became known in the USA in which people became seriously ill with worms after eating game meat. Which foods can also be infested with parasites, and what do you need to know? A family from the US state of South Dakota barbecued bear meat and contracted a dangerous disease: trichinellosis. This is a worm disease that can spread throughout the entire body. As the US Centers for Disease Control recently announced, even family members who had not eaten the meat became ill. This is because other…

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End of the El Niño weather phenomenon on the horizon

Change in major weather phenomena: El Niño will soon take a break, then La Niña will take over. Warm will be followed by cold. According to a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the weather phenomenon El Niño, which is partly responsible for high temperatures in many places, is likely to end soon. Instead, it will be replaced by La Niña conditions in the months of August to November, with a probability of around 70 percent, according to the WMO. El Niño causes higher water temperatures than usual, while…

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This is what happens when you drink water after getting up

Drinking a large glass of water as the first action of the day? There are many benefits to this. We reveal what you can expect from this routine. Many people reach for coffee or tea when they can’t get going in the morning. But they would be doing their bodies a big favor if they poured themselves a large glass of water first thing in the morning. After all, this has several health benefits. Although the body runs on a low flame during the night, it still loses fluids through…

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