Empty batteries: DO NOT dispose in the household waste!

Austrians are more aware of how to dispose old appliances, batteries and rechargeable batteries. Nevertheless, too many batteries and small electrical appliances still end up in household waste. A survey of 1,200 people conducted by the Linz-based opinion research institute market on behalf of the Elektroaltgeräte Koordinierungsstelle (EAK) showed a high level of information. Five years ago, when the survey was conducted for the second time, this was not the case. In the last survey, the level of knowledge on the subject of batteries and rechargeable batteries was still expandable.…

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Gradual return to normality in some countries around the world

Some countries around the world are gradually returning to normality, partly spurred on by successful vaccination campaigns. But experts and governments are urging caution in the face of rampant coronavirus variants. GREAT BRITAINLow infection rates and high vaccination rates: since last week, people in Great Britain have been able to enjoy more freedom. In addition to beer gardens and other outdoor restaurants, hairdressers, stores, gyms and zoos have also reopened. A concert with 5,000 spectators is even planned for early May – without masks and distance, but with a negative…

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Corona: How dangerous is the Indian mutation?

Currently, the Corona numbers in India are exploding. One reason is the new virus variant. B.1.617. Scientists from Great Britain are now investigating how dangerous and contagious the mutant is. This variant contains several mutations, including E484Q and L452R, according to media reports. The British variant looks similar. “Indian double mutation”The second variation, L452R, facilitates the transmission of the virus, as is already known from the California variant. Because the two mutations are combined in one variant, this case is also referred to as the “Indian double mutant”. However, the…

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Vaccine: who gets the million doses brought forward?

As reported by Austrian media and from the announcement of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Biontech/Pfizer can deliver 50 million doses to the EU – one million of them to Austria – by the end of June instead of the fourth quarter as announced. With this early delivery, the entire vaccination campaign in Austria could shift forward. The general population under 65 with no occupational or health reasons for prioritization could thus be vaccinated in large part with a first dose before the summer. By mid-July, the government plans to have six…

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Corona variant B.1.1.7 is not more deadly according to studies

Corona variant B.1.1.7 is more contagious. According to previous conjecture, it is also supposed to be more deadly. However, new studies now refute the latter. Researchers have found a higher viral load in patients infected with B.1.1.7. However, they have not observed more severe disease. Corona variant B.1.1.7 is not more lethalCoronavirus variant B.1.1.7, first discovered in the United Kingdom, is more contagious but no more deadly than other variants, according to new studies. Two different teams of researchers have now come to this conclusion and published their findings in…

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WHO concerned about global rise in Corona infection figures

The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern about the global rise in Corona infection numbers and called for consistent implementation of protective measures. “We are just at a critical point in the pandemic,” WHO corona expert Maria Van Kerkhove said Monday in Geneva, referring to exponentially rising infection numbers. “This is not the situation we want to be in 16 months into a pandemic when we have effective control measures.” In the past week, the number of new infections worldwide has increased by nine percent, Van Kerkhove said. The…

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Update: Until April 18 in Eastern Austria — the rules of the current lockdown

Update – 12.04.2021 – AUSTRIA. The measures for the Easter days until April 18 in brief are: There is a curfew restriction from 0 to midnight with the known exceptions such as assistance in emergencies, meeting necessary basic needs, recreation and professional reasons. Closure of trade (exception for those stores that offer goods of daily use such as food, pharmacies), the services close to the bodyIn addition, home offices are encouraged, physical meetings are to be avoided, the minimum distance of 2 meters is to be observed, an FFP2 mask…

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Sunlight causes fewer covid 19 deaths, study says

In some regions in Austria, it has still snowed in the last few days. All the more reason to look forward to the first warm days of spring. The sunlight could bring not only nice weather but also fewer Covid 19 deaths, according to a British study. Sunlight is directly linked to lower corona death rates, according to researchers at the University of Edinburgh. However, the positive effect is not believed to be triggered by vitamin D, which is often treated as a “miracle drug.” Analyses in three countries confirm…

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Current travel rules – Questions and Answers

Am I allowed to go on vacation? The answer to this question is a bit more complicated, because if you come from Vienna, Lower Austria or Burgenland, then not. The three federal states are still in a hard lockdown until at least April 18 – including an all-day curfew. This means that traveling is basically prohibited. Residents of all other Austrian states are allowed to travel abroad – more or less unhindered. I have to go abroad on business, is that allowed? Yes, if the trip takes place for professional…

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