65,932 vaccinations: April 8 was strongest vaccination day so far

This week, the two millionth vaccination will be administered in Austria.Despite AstraZeneca’s total supply failure, nearly 66,000 vaccinations were administered in Austria on Thursday – more than ever before. So far, nearly two million people in Austria have been vaccinated at least for the first time. AstraZeneca delivery failureAccording to a Health Ministry release, Thursday marked the strongest vaccination day in Austria so far since Corona vaccinations began. According to the statement, “almost 66,000 vaccinations and thus for the first time more than 60,000 people could be vaccinated in one…

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Record day in Austria: More tests and vaccinations than ever before

Day 410 in the Corona pandemic – and things are moving. Vienna has already been vaccinating over-65s since Friday, and the two-millionth vaccine dose is to be administered in Austria this weekend – and even the number of new infections is slowly going down, while a new record was set for tests: 76,482 new PCR tests were evaluated by laboratories in the past 24 hours. What’s encouraging about this is that only 3.53 percent of them were positive. With the 2,702 confirmed new infections in the past 24 hours, the…

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Against food waste: 15 initiatives in Austria

Every year, around one million tons of edible food is thrown away in Austria. However, numerous initiatives are working to prevent this. Here’s an overview of nonprofit organizations, companies and networks working to combat food waste. According to a recent UN study, food waste is responsible for 8 to 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. This affects everyone: socially, ecologically and economically – according to the study’s findings. In Austria, too, the oversupply is enormous and the quantities of good food that are thrown away are unimaginable. vienna.at published…

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Paracetamol apparently helps very few aches and pains

Paracetamol pain helps. Australian researchers have found that paracetamol may be ineffective for many aches and pains. At the slightest hint of physical discomfort, many people swallow a painkiller – some even prophylactically. Whether this is healthy or not remains to be seen. An Australian study has looked into a different question: Does the popular painkiller paracetamol also work effectively? The result is clear: for many complaints, it is said to be hardly better than a placebo. Does paracetamol help with any kind of pain? A team from the University…

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One in three Covid 19 recovered suffer severe neurological or psychological problems

If you’ve survived Corona, you’re far from healthy. Numerous study report severe long-term consequences of covid infection. And the list keeps getting longer! The largest study to date on long-term mental effects warns of a significantly higher risk for numerous mental and neurological disorders. Stroke, dementia, depression and psychosis – these are just some of the psychological and neurological diseases whose risk is significantly increased by covid infection. That’s what a British study has found, examining long-term consequences in Corona-Geneseen patients. About one-third were diagnosed with a neurological or psychological…

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First Corona vaccine dose alone does not protect against the virus

The first vaccination dose alone does not protect against infection with the coronavirus: With the first dose, the effectiveness in the 28 days until the second dose is only three percent and thus in the range of the statistical margin of error, as a study of the University of Chile found. By contrast, two weeks after the second vaccination, efficacy was 56.5 percent. For their study, the researchers combined the efficacy of the Chinese vaccine Coronavac and Pfizer-Biontech’s vaccine. Coronavac is used in 93 percent of doses administered in Chile,…

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Commentary: Private meetings are dangerously selfish

Going to the park with friends or having tea with relatives. Such private meeting could turn into zillions of Corona risks. Unless one has a negative test result.As if there is no temporal horizon, no hope, confidence, outlook, this is how many people privately treat their Corona risks. “Enough is enough” is the refrain of many private groups. Invitations are extended to dinners, family celebrations, visits to neighbors in the living room. It’s time to celebrate birthdays again, to sit together a bit, to resume the skat evening, to watch…

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Proper use of the smartphone

“You only have time if you take it” – Karl Heinrich Waggerl The smartphone has become an indispensable companion for most of us. On average, we reach for our smartphone every few minutes. I have found recent studies ranging from 88 to 214 reaches to the smartphone per day. We also find this wide range of usage in our environment. Frequent users easily reach more than three hours of cell phone use per day. But why is the cell phone so appealing to us? Hardly any other medium can satisfy…

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Biontech/Pfizer vaccine provides 91 percent protection after six months

Biontech and Pfizer’s vaccine also offers a high level of protection against Covid-19 and the more contagious viral variants, according to new data. Among 12,000 study participants who had been vaccinated up to six months ago, efficacy was about 91 percent, according to data released Thursday by the two vaccine partners. That’s slightly lower, however, than the 95 percent Biontech and Pfizer reported in November from the study of 44,000 participants. Since then, however, a number of Corona variants have spread worldwide. Experts fear that the new variants from South…

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