Moderna vaccine: severe allergic reaction “rare”

US health authority: Ten anaphylactic shocks reported after administration of four million vaccine doses. Severe allergic reactions to the US company Moderna’s Corona vaccine are “rare,” according to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). After administration of more than four million doses of the vaccine, so-called anaphylactic shocks occurred in only ten of the vaccine recipients, the CDC announced Friday (local time). None of the allergic reactions resulted in death, it said. The CDC based its assessment on documentation of a total of 4,041,396 vaccine doses administered between Dec.…

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Caritas: Pandemic increases child poverty

The CoV pandemic widens the effect of child poverty. One third of children worldwide no longer have access to education as a result of the pandemic – with fatal consequences, warns Caritas on the occasion of World Education Day tomorrow. “Even if children are not counted among Corona’s high-risk group, they will have to bear the long-term consequences of school closures, malnutrition and poverty,” Caritas President Michael Landau said at an online press conference in Vienna. The pandemic is causing educational gaps and impacting the lives of every child worldwide,…

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Aerosols and Corona: Speaking can be just as dangerous as coughing

A study now suggests that not only singing or coughing produce many dangerous aerosols – the same is true for simply talking. A conversation without a mask – in Corona times it can be a dangerA conversation without a mask – in Corona times, that can mean danger Aerosols play a crucial role in the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen. They are created when people breathe, cough, sneeze – but also when they talk or sing. And they carry the virus, so to speak, helping it to spread. Larger droplets…

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FFP2 masks: What do I have to pay attention to and can I reuse them?

As part of the tightened lockdown, wearing an FFP2 mask in supermarkets and public transport is mandatory in Austria as of January 25. Can these masks be disinfected, cleaned and reused, what do they cost, what do I have to look out for when buying them and what should I bear in mind when using them? As of January 25, it will be mandatory in Austria to wear a so-called FFP2 mask, for example in supermarkets or public transport. These are supposed to minimize even better the risk of infection…

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Corona: British variant detected in 60 countries.

The more contagious virus mutants from the United Kingdom and South Africa have been detected worldwide, WHO reports. First discovered in the United Kingdom, the corona mutant has now spread to at least 60 countries, according to the World Health Organization. Within a week, the virus variant has thus been discovered in ten more countries, the WHO announced on Wednesday. The B.1.1.7 mutation, first detected in mid-December, is considered 50 to 70 percent more contagious than the virus in its previous form. Another virus variant discovered in South Africa has…

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Netflix cracks 200 million user mark

Online video service Netflix saw surprisingly strong growth at the end of the year thanks to hit series such as “Bridgerton” and “The Crown” despite tougher competition. In the three months to the end of December, the number of paying subscribers rose by 8.5 million to just under 204 million, Netflix announced yesterday after the US stock exchange closed. This was the first time the 200 million user mark was cracked. The figures significantly exceeded its own forecast and analysts’ expectations. The share price initially jumped by almost ten percent…

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Proper use of FFP2 masks

As of January 25, FFP2 masks will be mandatory in Austria’s public transportation systems as well as in retail stores. That is why they are currently in short supply. FFP2 masks are actually designed as disposable products for professional use. Those who use the masks privately, for example for shopping, do not necessarily have to throw them away after each use, according to the TÜV Association (VdTÜV). The German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is currently funding a research project at Münster University of Applied Sciences. It…

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FFP2 mask: What you need to know about the protective mask

FFP2 mask protects against CoronaHow safely do FFP2 masks protect against the corona virus? How do they differ from other oral-nasal protective masks? And what to look for when buying them? Since a few weeks the new virus mutation B.1.1.7 is spreading rapidly in England and other countries – also here in Austria cases are already known. In Bavaria, the wearing of FFP2 masks is therefore mandatory from January 18, 2021. Now, the use of FFP2 masks is mandatory in Austria. Read all you need to know about the FFP2…

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Getting to know the two vaccines Pfizer/Biontech and Moderna

The European Union approved Pfizer/Biontech’s first Corona vaccine in December, and Moderna has now also been given the green light in early January. What is the difference between the two vaccines? Do they have anything in common? And what about tolerability and side effects? Here is all the information we have on this: Both vaccines work by means of mRNA technology. This has been researched for more than ten years, and is now achieving its first global breakthrough with the development of the Corona vaccine. StorageThere is a significant difference…

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