Christmas makes trash: separating more important than ever

Vienna is at the bottom of the league when it comes to waste separation. At Christmas, a time when a lot of waste is generated, this has a particularly strong effect on the amount of residual waste. Around Christmas, 20 percent more waste is generated than in the rest of the year. The Association of Austrian Waste Management Companies (VOEB) drew attention to this on Sunday. Gaby Jüly, president of the VOEB, appealed for more waste separation: “Our goal: less residual waste, more separate collection. Who wants to reduce waste,…

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The start of vaccination is getting closer

The first Covid vaccinations are scheduled to start as early as January. Who can get the vaccine and when? An overview Question: When is the possibility to be vaccinated in Austria?Answer: As it looks, certain groups should be able to get vaccination as early as January. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) plans to submit its opinion on the first vaccine as early as Dec. 21 – eight days earlier than originally planned. This means that the vaccine could be approved in the EU before Christmas. After that, the first vaccine…

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EU to approve Corona vaccine on Dec. 21

EU could approve vaccine earlier than planned. A good 9 months after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, approval in the EU is imminent.The Corona vaccine from Pfizer and Biontech could also be approved in the EU before Christmas. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) wants to clear the way for this. Already on 21 December it will present its appraisal over the permission of the vaccine of the Pharmaunternehmenes from the USA and Mainz, announced the authority on Tuesday in Amsterdam. That is eight days earlier than planned. It is…

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High number of severe CoV illnesses in healthcare professions

The risk of severe Covid 19 disease is much higher for physicians, nurses and paramedics than for people in non-systemic occupational groups, according to a British study. In the United Kingdom, the rate is seven times greater, epidemiologists at the University of Glasgow found in a study. The researchers did not compare the numbers of CoV infections, but only those of Covid 19 patients in British hospitals, including those who died. The World Health Organization (WHO) had already reported in September that 14 percent of all reported infections worldwide were…

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Corona innovation: Antibody rapid test via cell phone 

Styrian chip manufacturer develops first digital Covid-19 antibody rapid test with German company, which does not require a laboratory. In the future, the digital test kit will make it possible to perform a Covid 19 antibody rapid test without an external laboratory. In other words, they will be able to find out whether they have already passed Corona and are immune. Developed by an interdisciplinary team consisting of German immunologists and Austrian sensor experts, the novel rapid test consists of a small white cassette with the heart, the electronic sensor…

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ENFiD-AUSTRIA’s LOCKDOWN PROJECT: “RECIPES for KEEPS 2020” – Virtual Global Book Launching on 13 December 2020

“RECIPES for Keeps” is a lockdown project of the European Network of Filipino Diaspora – Austria (ENFiD-Austria) in lieu of its activities and events which were either cancelled or re-scheduled to 2021 due to the CoViD-19 pandemic. What started out as a simple cookbook for its members, became a collection of recipes developed while sheltering in place, consisting of 79 mouth watering recipes from 46 contributors from 5 continents across the world: Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, South America. For Ana Maria Langer, ENFiD Auditor, Cookbook Coordinator, who developed the…

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Survey shows low vaccination readiness in Austria

Only just under every fifth person in Austria wants to be vaccinated against Covid-19 anyway. This is shown by the current “Austria Trend” by pollster Peter Hajek for APA and ATV. According to the survey, 17 percent would “definitely” go for vaccination, 29 percent “definitely not”. The work of the government continues to be rated extremely positively. In the Sunday poll, the ÖVP continues to be clearly ahead, with excellent scores for Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. In the question on willingness to vaccinate, a gradation between 0 (“definitely not”) and 10…

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Masks reduce CoV infection risk by 45 percent

Mask protection reduces the risk of coronavirus infection by nearly half – by an average of about 45 percent – according to a study. “That’s 55 instead of 100 new infections,” Mainz-based economist Klaus Wälde, one of the authors of the study published in the journal PNAS, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur. “Or more graphically, instead of 20,000 new infections a day, we would have about 38,000 without masks.” His conclusion: “Everyone should wear masks to protect themselves and others from infection.” Wälde, along with three other economists, had studied Jena’s special…

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New corona antibody study proves immunity

A study conducted at the University Hospital of Innsbruck, Austria, concludes that corona genes exhibit stable long-term immunity. The results are consistent with international findings. Furthermore, there is no reason to worry about a repeated infection, mutations or a transmission through the immune system, explained Florian Deisenhammer, head of the study, in an APA interview. There are consequences for the practice, for example when working in exposed areas or when vaccinating. The study was initiated by the Neurology Laboratory and conducted in cooperation with the University Hospital for Psychiatry II…

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