iOS 17.4 is here: A new iPhone era begins

The time has come: the deadline for the stricter EU laws (Digital Markets Act) for technology giants to come into force has arrived, along with the long-awaited update for iPhones. With iOS 17.4, Apple is implementing the enforced changes for users in Europe. The EU hopes that this will bring a breath of fresh air to the iPhone ecosystem, give iOS users more freedom, and allow smaller providers to benefit from the broken market power of the large technology companies. Doubts are justifiedIt is difficult to predict whether the EU’s…

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This is what happens to your body when you drink water on an empty stomach in the morning

Water is vital for our body, as it is part of all body cells and fluids and an important component in metabolic processes and biochemical reactions. In addition, water helps regulate body temperature and helps the kidneys excrete metabolic waste products in the urine. A true elixir of life for our body that we should consume in sufficient quantities. But at certain times of the day, water affects the body differently. In the morning, for example. Read here what drinking water on an empty stomach does to you in the…

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Screen time can delay language development

Children learn from adults; this also applies to language development. An Australian research team warns that toddlers who spend a long time in front of a screen miss out on many important moments of conversation. This is because during the time they spend on smartphones, tablets, and game consoles, they hear fewer words from their parents and other adults, interact less with them, and perceive fewer conversational sequences. The resulting language development can be delayed, as the group explains in the journal “JAMA Pediatrics”. According to the article, studies have…

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Warmest February in recorded history

February, which has just ended, was the warmest in Austria’s recorded history. Moreover, never before has a month been so far from the multi-year average, GeoSphere Austria reported on Friday. “Never before in the 257-year history of measurements has a month been so far above its multi-year average,” climatologist Alexander Orlik from GeoSphere Austria says. February was 5.5 degrees warmer in Austria’s lowlands than the average for the 1991–2020 climate period and 5.0 degrees warmer in the mountains. Compared to 1961–1990, it was 6.4 degrees in the lowlands and 5.9…

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How healthy is honey really?

For many, honey is considered a healthy sweetener and is often even touted as a home remedy for coughs and minor wounds. But how healthy is honey? How does it affect the body, and who shouldn’t eat honey? Not all honey is the samePeople have been using honey as a food for centuries, and the sweet bee product has also always been of great importance in medicine. Due to its antimicrobial properties, honey was primarily used as a wound dressing. However, it is clear that honey from different flowering plants…

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Important tips: When not to eat zucchinis

Whether in your garden or on a small scale on the balcony, self-sufficiency and growing your fruit, vegetables, and herbs are becoming increasingly popular in Austria. If you have green fingers for growing zucchinis, you will be rewarded with numerous, huge green zucchinis. But a bitter substance typical of the plant can be dangerous if you don’t buy zucchinis from the supermarket. Toxic, bitter substancesYou should be careful when eating home-grown zucchinis because of the bitter substance called cucurbitacins. This group of substances is mainly found in zucchinis and other…

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Fasting: why giving up food is so good

The first few months of the year are an ideal time to give our bodies a thorough spring clean. Fasting has been a popular method for decades and goes far beyond a religious or cultural practice. Abstaining from food cleanses and renews our bodies. But what is the best way to get started, and which is the most effective? In their book “Fasting for You!”, fasting experts Nicole Fürderer, Britta Kleweken, and Erik Schmelter answer the most important questions on the subject and provide numerous tips for beginners. In contrast…

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February 29, 2024 – What the leap year is all about

Every four years, February is extended by one day. Why there are leap years—and why employers can’t look forward to 2024 of all years. Why are there leap years?Every four years, the year is extended by one day, so February has 29 days instead of 28. There is a simple reason for the extension of the month: our earth needs exactly 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds to orbit the sun. This means that a solar year is almost a quarter of a day longer than a…

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Here’s the best time to eat a banana a day

Easy to eat and known for its health benefits, the banana is a staple in many diets. But did you know there’s an optimal time of day to consume them? At snack time, whether during morning break or after school in the afternoon, bananas are one of the most consumed and favorite fruits among children. The popularity of this yellow fruit among consumers is mainly due to its nutritional value. Rich in potassium, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and also an excellent source of soft fibers, bananas are good for health.…

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