Swimming fun with caution: what rules you should follow

We’ve been longing for summer for months. But now it’s finally here, with lots of sun, sport, games, fun, cocktails, fries, and lots and lots of ice cream. All this makes for carefree days in the outdoor pool, by the pond, and at home by the pool. Here are some important dos and don’ts to ensure that no shadow falls on the cheerful idyll and that the 2024 bathing season remains a good memory without accidents or worse. A well-known lifeguard in Germany for his television appearances, among other things,…

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New warnings: Corona is getting closer again

It looks like not everything is over and perhaps the next pandemic is already lurking around the next corner. The peak of the wave is still to come On the vacation island of Mallorca, a drastic increase in coronavirus cases is being recorded before the start of the vacation season. “The disease is currently widespread on the islands – and the trend is still rising,” reports the Spanish Ministry of Health. Two new variants are said to have an impact on the rising number of cases: The new Covid variant…

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Tempting, but risky: why you shouldn’t steal towels from the hotel

Towels, bathrobes, and even mattresses are sometimes stolen by hotel guests. But new measures are preventing thieves from getting away scot-free. If you shop in any store, you can expect the goods to trigger a beep at the exit if they have not been paid for. RFID radio chips are often used for this purpose. They are only one gram in weight and two millimeters in size, and they can be deactivated by radio. They are also increasingly being used in hotels to prevent theft. Stealing in the hotel? “Better…

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These are the cheapest beaches in Europe

Summer is here, and the desire to go on vacation is growing. But many people have to watch their wallets in times of rising prices and inflation. Our ranking of the cheapest beaches in Europe is just what you need! Plus: Which destinations are the most popular with Austrians? First, the cheapest beach in summer 2024 is Playa de Las Canteras on Gran Canaria. Holidaymakers can rent a sun lounger with an umbrella for just three euros a day, a beer from the beach bar costs 3.50 euros, and a…

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Summer heat: How to recognize that you should drink more water

When it’s hot, it’s particularly important to drink enough fluids. But how can you tell? A dermatologist explains.A skin tension test should show whether the body is sufficiently hydrated. For example, you form a fold of skin with your thumb and index finger on the back of your other hand. It should quickly snap back to its normal position if you let go of it. If the fold is slow to smooth out again, this is a sign of poor skin tension, indicating dehydration. Time to have a drink. So…

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Did you know? This is what the “i” in iPhone actually stands for

Why is the iPhone called the iPhone at all? What does the lowercase letter “i” at the end stand for? Anyone who thinks they know is probably wrong because the whole truth has almost been forgotten. It’s actually quite clear: Apple’s world-famous nomenclature began with the first iMac in 1998 – iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. That’s right, but what did the little “i” stand for in the knobbly all-in-one? Worth knowing: The “i” in iPhone doesn’t just mean “Internet”Some Apple users think they know the answer and shout: Internet!…

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Major concern: more than six million dengue cases

Brazil is currently experiencing the worst dengue outbreak in history. More than 4,000 people have died as a result. Brazil is currently battling the worst dengue outbreak the country has ever had. According to the Ministry of Health, more than six million infections have been reported since the beginning of the year. The comparison makes it clear: the largest epidemic to date was in 2015, where “only” 1.6 million cases were counted in The entire year.According to the figures, 4,019 deaths from the infection have already been confirmed. In the…

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Buying watermelon: How to tell if it’s ripe and sweet

Summertime is watermelon time! Watermelons live up to their name: they consist of almost 95 percent water, which makes them a refreshing summer snack. The remaining 5 percent contains valuable ingredients such as amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Reason enough to reach for them more often in hot temperatures! But nothing is worse than an unripe and tasteless melon. That’s why we’re revealing three simple tricks to help you quickly and easily determine whether a watermelon is already ripe or even too ripe. Sound – Tap the watermelon with your…

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You should do this with your cell phone once a week

The NSA has collected some practical security tips for cell phone users. Regarding espionage, the US National Security Agency (NSA) knows its stuff like no other. That’s why it also has some practical tips for the public on how to protect themselves in everyday life. “Der Standard” now reports on a document in which such advice has been handily summarized. A security tip that even many people interested in technology have probably not yet had on their radar is to restart their cell phones at least once a week. This…

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