Vienna waiting list: Around 500 people spontaneously vaccinated

In Vienna, about 500 people who were on a waiting list have been vaccinated so far. When doses remained, they were contacted spontaneously, APA reports. In Vienna, those willing to be vaccinated can also be put on the waiting list via the online preregistration platform when registering. This means that if doses are left over from a Corona vaccination campaign, they are contacted spontaneously. So far, around 500 people have received an injection as a result, a spokesman for City Health Councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) told APA on Tuesday. Registered…

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Zoom is booming, but what happens after Corona?

After the explosive growth during the Corona crisis, the video conferencing service Zoom is expecting strong growth again this year. The company is targeting revenue growth of at least 42 percent for the fiscal year just ended. Investors celebrated the fresh quarterly figures and the forecast with a share price jump of at times around nine percent in after-hours trading on Monday. In the past fiscal year, which ended in late January, sales jumped from $623 million to $2.65 billion (2.20 billion euros). The big question is how much further…

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Austria-wide 15,800 penalties in about three weeks

Since the first relaxations of the current Corona lockdown a good three weeks ago, some 15,800 charges and organ penalty mandates have been laid across Austria for violations of Covid regulations, ORF’s “Morgenjournal” reported. That’s an average of just over 750 police penalties daily. The daily average is thus slightly above the values of last spring from mid-March to mid-May, it said. “In the foreground there is of course the minimum distance, on the other hand, not wearing a FFP2 mask. But we have now also, for example, at the…

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Vaccination target of 17 percent at end of March still a long way off

Two months after the vaccination launch, just under 660,000 vaccinations have been administered in Austria. However, it is still a long way from the target of 17 percent by the end of March. Two months after the vaccination launch in December, less than one-third of people over 85 in Austria have received their first Corona vaccination. This is shown by data from the Ministry of Health updated on Monday. Even from the February declared goal of a vaccination coverage rate of 17 percent by the end of March, the government…

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WHO: Global infection figures on the rise again

The CoV infection figures reported worldwide are on the rise again. After six weeks of declining, there is now an increase again, World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said today in Geneva. Apart from Africa and the Western Pacific region, there was an upward trend everywhere, he said. “This is disappointing, but not surprising.” Causes could be CoV loosening and more contagious variants of the virus – “and people becoming less careful,” Tedros said. The WHO chief again urged the international community not to rely on vaccination alone.…

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Immunization schedule: Ministry of Health changed target

Two months after the vaccination launch at the end of December, less than one-third of people over 85 in Austria have received their first CoV vaccination. That’s according to data updated today by the Ministry of Health. Even from the February declared goal of a vaccination coverage rate of 17 percent by the end of March, the government and provinces are still far away with 5.5 percent. In total, 148,604 vaccinations were given in the previous week, a quarter more than the week before. Two million doses vaccinated by EasterAustria…

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AstraZeneca vaccine for the time being only for under 65 years old

The vaccine of the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca will continue to be vaccinated in Austria in the fight against the coronavirus for the time being only to those under 65 years of age. The Health Ministry made the announcement today, preceded by a recommendation from the National Vaccination Panel, which re-evaluated available data on the vaccine’s effectiveness. “This confirmed the recommendation currently in place,” the health ministry told APA. It added that the safety and immunogenicity data for the AstraZeneca vaccine were comparable in persons 65 years of age and…

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Highest 7-day incidence by age group is recorded in the group of 15- to 24-year-olds.

Of the 11,820 cases reported to authorities between February 15 and 21, 1,629 were among 15- to 24-year-olds. This corresponds to a share of just under 14 percent. In absolute terms, adolescents and young adults were thus behind 45- to 54-year-olds (1,928 cases/16.4 percent) and 35- to 44-year-olds and 25- to 34-year-olds (1,847 and 1,837 cases respectively/15.7 percent). However, if the infections in this period are extrapolated to 100,000 inhabitants on a group-specific basis, the 15- to 24-year-olds have the highest 7-day incidence of 170.5. This puts them well ahead…

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More than 20 million people in Great Britain are vaccinated

More than 20 million people have received a first dose of vaccination against coronavirus in the United Kingdom, or about 30 percent. This was announced by UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock on Sunday. In the U.K., both the Astrazeneca vaccine and the Biontech and Pfizer preparation are being given up to 12 weeks apart to ensure as many people as possible can receive an initial vaccination as quickly as possible. The number of second vaccinations required for full vaccination protection in the country was recently still below one million. According…

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