Italy to relax entry rules starting February

Travelers to Italy can expect relaxed corona entry rules starting in February. Starting Feb. 1, travelers from EU countries will only need either a negative corona test or proof of vaccination or convalescence; travelers from EU countries will only need a negative corona test or proof of vaccination or convalescence when coming to Italy, according to a Health Ministry spokesman. Health Minister Roberto Speranza has signed an order to that effect, he said. The proofs are also called “green passports” in Italy. QR codes for vaccination also apply in Italy.…

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England cancels almost all Corona rules

England repealed most Corona measures on Thursday night. The government now says why that happened. England has lifted most Corona restrictions on Thursday night. For example, the requirement to wear a mask indoors no longer applies, nor does the health passport have to be shown in clubs and at certain large events. The government’s recommendation to work in a home office also no longer applies. Despite the still-high level of infection rates, many Britons welcome the decision by under-pressure Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “I think it’s a really good thing,”…

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Israel begins fourth vaccination for all at-risk groups

Israel begins fourth vaccination against coronavirus for adults with pre-existing conditions. Affected individuals with risk factors for severe illness from CoV infection, as well as their caregivers, can now be vaccinated again, the Health Ministry announced last night. Also eligible are adults who are at particular risk for infection in the course of their work. This was decided by Director General Nachman Asch. The only requirement for the fourth vaccination is that the third vaccination was at least four months ago. Over 600,000 received fourth doseAsch’s decision only partially follows…

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Denmark lifts all Corona measures – Italy plans relaxations

Despite record levels of new infections, Denmark plans to lift nearly all Corona restrictions next week. Italy is also planning relaxations. Starting Tuesday (Feb. 1), Danes will no longer have to wear masks or show proof of vaccination in most places, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said Wednesday in Copenhagen. Thus the government follows the instructions of the responsible commission, which had recommended to let the emergency measures to fight the pandemic expire. What will remain, however, for the time being, is mandatory testing for people entering the country, as…

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Germany: Over 200,000 new infections for the first time.

The nationwide seven-day incidence reported by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has exceeded the 1,000 threshold for the first time exactly two years after the first confirmed CoV case in Germany. The RKI gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week this morning with 1017.4. For comparison: The previous day, the value had been 940.6. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 638.8 (previous month: 222.7). The number of new CoV infections also reached another record high and at the same time exceeded the threshold of 200,000:…

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Corona numbers are rising sharply in Germany

The number of new infections within 24 hours was 126,955, according to data from public health authorities. The incidence rate of new Corona infections in Germany has again reached an all-time high. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported the seven-day incidence at 894.3 on Tuesday morning. On Monday the value had been 840.3, on Tuesday last week 553.2. The incidence quantifies the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the period of seven days. The number of new infections within 24 hours was 126,955 on Tuesday – up from…

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Coronavirus worldwide: EU agrees on six-month recovery status

About 358 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 5.6 million infected people have died. About 9.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered so far. Even when vaccinated people contract coronavirus, hospitalization numbers show vaccination protects well against severe symptoms and severe courses. The latest developmentsEU agrees on six-month convalescent status. EU countries agreed on Tuesday (Jan. 25) that Corona infected persons will be considered recovered for six months across the EU – and will be allowed to move and travel…

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UK: Johnson announced the end of all covid measures

The handling of Corona will become a noticeably looser in the UK from January 27. Most measures will be lifted – not without criticism. Boris Johnson has announced the end of all covid measures introduced to combat the omicron variant – mandatory masks on public transport and in stores, home office and vaccination records – from January 27. While cases rose to record highs, hospitalizations and deaths have not increased at the same rate, in part due to the introduction of boosters in the U.K. and the lower severity of…

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338.5 million confirmed infections worldwide to date

According to Reuters news agency on the basis of official data, there are 338.5 million confirmed COVID 19 infections worldwide. The number of unreported cases is probably much higher. More than 5.91 million people died in connection with the disease, which was first detected in December 2019 (yes indeed, that was more than two years ago) in Wuhan, China. The United States has the highest number of infections and deaths. India and Brazil follow in terms of infections. In Germany, the number of new Corona infections is skyrocketing faster and…

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