Exploding case numbers across Europe: almost 100,000 infections in Italy

Nearly 100,000 coronavirus infections have been recorded in Italy in the past 24 hours on Wednesday. This is a record since the outbreak of the pandemic, Italian health authorities reported. The previous day, there were 78,313. 136 deaths attributed to the coronavirus were also reported. The previous day, there were 202. More than one million coronavirus tests were counted in the past 24 hours, which is also a record. 9.5 percent of those tested were positive. According to Health Secretary Pierpaolo Sileri, more than 60 percent of cases are due…

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Omicron still on the rise: record levels in the USA

The number of new Corona infections in the USA continues to rise rapidly. For Monday, the public health agency CDC reported more than 440,000 new cases in one day – the highest reported daily figure since the pandemic began. However, it is likely that this figure is skewed due to the holidays, as there may have been late reports after Christmas, APA reports. The data also varies significantly – The New York Times, for example, even reported more than 500,000 new infections in the U.S. for the day. U.S. states…

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Record high: Britain reported a record number of new Corona infections

The pandemic has set a new record in the United Kingdom, with 129,471 new Corona infections. This does not include new cases in Scotland and Northern Ireland, it was reported. The number of recorded new infections in the United Kingdom has reached a new record of 129,471. New cases in Scotland and Northern Ireland are not included in this data because of different procedures over the holidays, authorities said. There are 18 more deaths reported. In Turkey, the number of daily coronavirus cases exceeded 30,000 on Tuesday for the first…

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COVID 19 infection: high figures in Europe

In the UK, 129,471 new infections were reported today – a new high. On Monday, the figure was 98,515, and 18 people have died from or with covid. In Portugal, there were 17,172 new infections – a new high. 19 deaths were recorded. 61.5 percent of new infections were due to the Omikron variant. In Turkey, 32,176 new infections were reported today – the most in two months. 184 deaths were recorded. In Greece, cases doubled within 24 hours, with 21,657 new infections reported today – a new high. Authorities…

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COVID 19 situations in Greece and China

In Greece, the number of new Corona infections has reached an all-time high. From Sunday to Monday (Dec. 27), 9284 new infections were registered, more than ever before within 24 hours. Health Minister Thanos Plevris announced stricter Corona rules, but they will not apply until Jan. 3. Otherwise, the problem shifts to the private sphere because of the holidays, Plevris said at a press conference Monday evening. From Jan. 3, Plevris said, FFP-2 masks will be mandatory in public spaces. Bars, taverns and pubs must then close again at midnight.…

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Corona Rules in France and British government does not plan to introduce stricter Corona rules in England

In France, full vaccination will become a prerequisite for attending events, restaurants or for long-distance travel starting Jan. 15. A negative test would then no longer be sufficient, as Prime Minister Jean Castex said on Monday evening (Dec. 27) in Paris. In addition, there is to be a mask obligation in the city centers as well as a home office obligation on at least three days in the week. Eating and drinking on long-distance journeys, in sports venues and in cinemas will be prohibited, and in restaurants people will only…

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U.S. cuts quarantine time for asymptomatic cases to five days

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is cutting in half the quarantine time for all Americans with Covid-19, saying Monday (Dec. 27) that it is reducing the recommended quarantine time for citizens who test positive from the previous 10 days to five days if they are asymptomatic. The move could help airlines and other businesses alleviate staffing shortages caused by the disease. A jump in Covid 19 cases hampered U.S. airline staff Monday, causing hundreds of flight cancellations. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, suggested the…

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Denmark and Iceland report highs in new infections

The rapid spread of the omicron variant of coronavirus continues to cause new infections to skyrocket in Denmark and Iceland. Both countries reported new highs on Monday. In Denmark, 16,164 coronavirus cases were registered within 24 hours. The 7-day incidence is 1,621. Iceland also reported a record number of new infections. Within 24 hours, 672 infections were recorded. Until mid-December, Icelandic authorities had recorded fewer than 200 new cases per day. Prior to the spread of the Omicron variant, Denmark and Iceland had had some of the lowest infection rates…

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Pope stressed importance of the family on St. Stephen’s Day

Pope Francis on St. Stephen’s Day highlighted the importance of the family in the life of every person. “The family is the story from which each of us comes,” the pope stressed Sunday at the Angelus prayer on the occasion of the Feast of the Holy Family. Francis expressed concern about the population decline in Europe. The “demographic winter” that is weighing heavily on Italy in particular is a “tragedy,” he said. “Many couples prefer to stay without a child or with only one child. Think about it: It’s a…

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