Omicron: London declares state of emergency

The British capital London has declared a state of emergency today due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant. “The increase in Omicron cases in our capital is very worrying,” Mayor Sadiq Khan announced. “That is why we are again declaring a disaster emergency.” Khan pointed out that the number of patients in London’s hospitals is again rising sharply. The city had already declared a disaster emergency at the beginning of January. At that time, the health system was on the verge of collapse. In concrete terms, this means…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Japan extends entry restrictions, Dutch health experts recommend tough lockdown

About 273 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 5.3 million infected people have died. More than 8.5 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Moderna wants to revise its vaccine because of the Omicron variant. However, it is far from certain when it will be launched on the market. The Japanese government will extend entry restrictions for foreigners beyond the end of the year in light of the spread of the Omicron variant. The daily Yomiuri reported Saturday (Dec. 18)…

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Omicron spreads rapidly also in Spain, Denmark closes theaters, cinemas and museums

The new Omicron variant of the Cornavirus is also spreading rapidly in Spain. In the capital region of Madrid, it already accounts for more than 30 percent of all new infections, the newspaper El Pais reported today, citing doctors. In the tourist metropolis of Barcelona, the figure is 25 percent, regional Health Minister Josep Maria Argimon told the newspaper La Vanguardia. Omicron is expected to be dominant there by Christmas. A similar development was also reported from other areas of Spain. In Navarra in the north of the country, the…

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Denmark with record: 10,000 new cases in one day

Almost 10,000 new CoV cases were registered in Denmark yesterday – more than ever before in a single day. About 3,000 of the cases are omicron variants of the virus, according to the National Serum Institute. In total, about 9,000 Omicron infections have been detected in the country of nearly six million people since the end of November. Superspreader events in nightlife in particular have led to the virus spreading rapidly, the institute said. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced via Facebook new measures to slow the spread of the virus.…

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Omicron: Starting Sunday, travellers to Greece must present negative PCR test

In the future, travelers to Greece will be required to present a negative current PCR test upon entry, regardless of vaccination status. Originally, the government had intended this measure only for travelers from the United Kingdom and Denmark to prevent the spread of the corona variant Omicron. Now, however, the testing requirement has been extended to all entrants – it also applies to Austria. This was announced by the Ministry of Health. The measure will come into force at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 19, 2021. In Greece, there are…

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Tens of thousands flee typhoon in the Philippines

Tens of thousands of people are fleeing a typhoon in the Philippines. “Rai” was expected to make landfall early Thursday afternoon (local time), initially near the islands of Dinagat, Siargao and Bucas Grande 700 kilometers south of the capital Manila, according to the Southeast Asian island nation’s weather service. According to authorities, some 45,000 people left their homes to seek shelter in higher ground. The typhoon, dubbed “Odette” in the Philippines, had recently intensified rapidly and was moving west-northwest with wind gusts of up to 230 kilometers per hour, the…

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South Africa records highest number of new infections

A new high in new COV infections has been recorded in South Africa. South African authorities yesterday reported 26,976 infections within one day, the highest level since the pandemic began. The previous record was 26,485, recorded on July 3 at the height of the third wave. At that time, 108 deaths were reported; yesterday there were 54. In November, the Omikron variant of the coronavirus, which is now also widespread in Europe, was detected for the first time in the country with 60 million inhabitants. According to experts, the pathogen…

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Already more than 800,000 Corona deaths in the U.S.

The U.S. has passed the 800,000 Corona death mark, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. U.S. President Joe Biden called for remembrance of the victims of the pandemic on Tuesday evening. He declared, “I know what it’s like to have an empty chair around the kitchen table, especially at Christmas time.” He said he suffers with every family “that is going through this pain.” Meanwhile, more than 270 million people worldwide have contracted the coronavirus. Members of the U.S. Congress observed a moment of silence Tuesday evening in front…

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United Kingdom reports peak in new infections

Britain has recorded a new high in new Corona infections. On Wednesday, authorities said 78,610 new cases were reported within 24 hours – the highest number since the pandemic began. The previous record was 68,053 new infections and had been registered on Jan. 8 of this year. South Africa also set a new record with 26,976 infections within one day. In both countries, the Omicron variant is spreading rapidly. The British government has therefore accelerated the campaign for booster vaccinations. All adults are expected to receive a booster vaccination by…

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