Germany: More deaths in federal states with low vaccination rates

In Bavaria and other German states with a low vaccination rate, considerably more people are currently dying after a corona infection than in the better-vaccinated north of Germany. This is the result of statistical analyses by the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. The basis is the official data of the Robert Koch Institute and the health authorities. According to the data, more than three times as many Corona patients died in Bavaria in relation to the population in seven days (as of Dec. 1) as in Bremen, the state with…

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WHO warns elderly people against traveling

Against the background of the current situation, the World Health Organization (WHO) has called on all high-risk patients and elderly people without vaccination protection to refrain from traveling at present. People over the age of 60 and those with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes and cancer who are neither fully vaccinated nor recovered should refrain from traveling at the moment, the WHO said yesterday in Geneva. General travel bans, as imposed by numerous countries, were considered critical by the WHO. These bans could “not prevent” the spread of the currently…

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Philippines launches major vaccination campaign

Various countries increase vaccination tempo because of OmicronSeveral governments around the world are increasing the pace of their vaccinations because of the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus. Greece, for example, is currently vaccinating as much as it last did last March, said Giorgos Georgantas, deputy minister for digital governance, over the weekend. Currently, the daily average is 90,000 people, 60,000 to 70,000 of whom have already received booster vaccinations. Further action is therefore not needed, he said. The Philippines is also launching a major vaccination campaign to contain the…

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Coronavirus worldwide: couple arrested in Netherlands after quarantine escape, South African president criticizes travel restrictions

More than 261 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 5.1 million infected people have died. About 7.6 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The latest developmentsDutch police have arrested a couple after they escaped from a quarantine hotel. The two were caught Sunday (Nov. 29)on a plane that was scheduled to take off for Spain, authorities said. The couple had escaped from a hotel where travelers from South Africa who tested positive for Corona were staying. Some of the…

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Germany incidence reaches peak again at 446.7

Germany’s seven-day incidence of new corona infections has again reached a high. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recorded an incidence of 446.7 on Sunday, up from 444.3 on Saturday. The figure indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have contracted the corona virus in the past seven days. Health offices reported 44,401 new infections to the RKI, which is 1674 more than a week ago Sunday. So far, more than 5.76 million people have tested positive for the virus. 104 more people died in connection with the coronavirus, bringing the…

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Probably dozens of Omikron cases in the Netherlands

The latest variant of the coronavirus has already reached several European countries. Following confirmed cases in Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom, Dutch authorities announced this evening that dozens of airline passengers from South Africa are believed to be carrying the Omikron variant. They are “95 percent” certain of this because initial rapid tests have shown results that differ from those of the Delta variant. The coronavirus was found in a total of 61 passengers. All positive passengers were isolated in a hotel at Schiphol Airport. The cases had been…

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Incidence rises to 438.2 RKI reports 76,414 new infections

The 76,414 new infections reported by the RKI again represent a record high. There is no end to the negative records: with 76,414 new infections and a seven-day incidence of 438.2, the RKI again reports record highs. The incidence has been rising steadily for three weeks, and the number of deaths has exceeded 300 for the fourth day in a row. The number of new Corona infections reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day has again reached an all-time high. Health offices reported 76,414 cases in 24…

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More than 100,000 deaths in Germany

The number of coronavirus deaths in Germany has exceeded the threshold of 100,000. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported this morning, citing data from public health departments, another 351 people died within 24 hours after CoV infection. The death toll since the start of the pandemic thus rose to 100,119. More than 5.5 million people in Germany have been infected with the coronavirus so far, according to the RKI. The nationwide 7-day incidence rose again and now stands at 419.7, with 75,961 new coronavirus infections registered within one day.…

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Slovakia imposes two-week lockdown

The Slovak government has decided on a nationwide lockdown for two weeks starting tomorrow. This was announced by Vice Prime Minister Richard Sulik after a cabinet meeting today. Contrary to earlier plans, there will be no exemptions for people vaccinated against Covid-19, the minister told the TASR news agency. Schools, on the other hand, are to remain open, according to government plans. The condition is regular coronavirus testing, Sulik explained. It will also remain possible to go to work, but there will be compulsory testing from Monday. Closed, however, according…

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