Russia approved another COVID 19 vaccine

Amid new negative records in Corona deaths, Russia has approved another vaccine against the virus. The vaccine EpiVacCorona-N has been added to the State Register of Medicines, the Interfax agency reported Thursday evening (Aug. 26). This means that Russia, with a population of about 146 million, now has five different Corona vaccines. The new agent was developed at the “Vektor” research center in the Siberian metropolis of Novosibirsk. On Thursday, authorities nationwide reported 820 deaths linked to the virus in one day – a high since the pandemic began.Norway on…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Argentina’s president under investigation for Corona party, Russia approves fifth vaccine

More than 214 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.4 million infected people have died. More than 5 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Prosecutors have launched an investigation into Argentine leader Alberto Fernández over a party hosted despite strict Corona rules. Most recently, a photo had surfaced of presidential wife Fabiola Yañez’s birthday party last June, showing about a dozen guests, Fernández and the first lady at the presidential residence. At the time, a strict curfew was in…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Greater Sydney reports record number of new infections, U.S. donates 1 million vaccine doses to Vietnam

More than 213 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.4 million infected people have died. About 5 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Despite the lockdown that has been in effect for eight weeks, the Australian state of New South Wales with the metropolis of Sydney is not getting its severe Corona wave under control. On Wednesday (Aug. 25), authorities recorded 919 new infections within 24 hours – the highest number since the pandemic began. Two people, including a…

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Continued concern about infection numbers in USA

Rising CoV numbers continue to worry authorities in the US. Over the past few days, the U.S. has averaged just over 137,000 new infections per day, up nearly 12 percent from the previous week, U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) chief Rochelle Walensky said yesterday. The number of people hospitalized with Covid-19 was about the same as the previous week, she said, while the number of deaths rose 23 percent. Progress on vaccinationsAt the same time, however, there has been progress in the vaccination campaign, said White House CoV Coordinator…

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U.S. expert on Delta: Almost as if we had a new pandemic

Concern is growing among senior health officials in the U.S. about the Delta variant of the coronavirus. “Everything we thought we knew about coronavirus needs to be revised. It’s almost as if we have a new pandemic,” U.S. National Institutes of Health research agency director Francis Collins said in Tuesday’s Washington Post. For the next few months, he said, we need to be prepared for some difficulties. Due to the spread of the delta variant, the number of new corona infections in the U.S. has recently risen sharply again. The…

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Coronavirus worldwide: some 267,000 babies died as a result of economic downturn, anti-vaccination activists occupy news stations in London

More than 211 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.4 million infected people have died. About 4.9 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The economic downturn in the wake of the Corona crisis may have resulted in the deaths of more than 260,000 babies last year alone, mainly in poorer countries around the world. This is the conclusion reached by experts from the World Bank in a modeling study presented in the journal BMJ Open. According to the study,…

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Coronavirus worldwide: heavy fines for worshipers in Sydney, average death toll in America rises to more than 1000

More than 210.8 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.4 million infected people have died. About 4.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. In Sydney, police have fined attendees of a church service heavily for violating current Corona measures by gathering. Thirty worshippers would have to pay 1,000 Australian dollars (610 euros) each, and the church itself was also fined 5,000 Australian dollars (3,000 euros), police in the New South Wales state said Monday (Aug. 23). The mass had…

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Germany: Seven-day incidence continues to rise

The infection wave is gaining momentum. According to the Robert Koch Institute, Germany is now at the beginning of the fourth Corona wave. Younger age groups are also strongly affected this time. The seven-day incidence has risen again. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it was 56.4 – the previous day the value had been 54.5, a week ago 36.2. The health offices in Germany reported to the RKI within one day 3668 Corona new infections. This is according to figures reflecting the status of the RKI dashboard. A…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Hurricane “Henri” ends celebration of end of restrictions in NY, arrests at lockdown protests in Australia

More than 210.8 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.4 million infected people have died. About 4.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The latest developments The approaching Hurricane Henri caused the cancellation of a major concert in New York’s Central Park on Saturday (Aug. 21). It was supposed to be a big celebration for the city to honor its fight against the Corona pandemic. But halfway through the five-hour program, thunderstorms and heavy rain put a crimp in…

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