For 700,000 students school starts again today. Parents have been informed about the Corona hygiene and safety measures in the last few days.
After the Matura classes, the “Restart” follows today in elementary schools, new secondary schools, AHS Lower School and special schools. Below are important datest to remeber from May 18 until the summer holidays.

In order to maintain the minimum distance of one metre when entering the school.
Hands must be washed or disinfected after entering the school building.
Always wear Mask
In the school building the mouth and nose protection is compulsory for everyone. Students are allowed to take it off at the playground.
Frequent ventilation
At least once an hour, ventilation should be carried out for five to ten minutes.
Distance in class
Pupils must also keep a minimum distance of one metre in class.
Break at the school grounds
During the break the pupils should remain seated, they are not allowed to play together.
Fewer pupils in the class
The classes are divided into two equally sized groups, which have separate lessons. Recommendation of the Ministry: alternately one group Monday to Wednesday, the other Thursday and Friday. However, the schools can decide autonomously. This means: changes in daily or weekly rhythm are also allowed.
Lessons until 12 or 14 o’clock
In elementary schools, classes end at 12 noon, in the lower grades and NMS at 2 pm at the latest.
— Hector Pascua
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