Friday is Corona traffic light day: According to “Kronen Zeitung” in its Friday edition, the Corona traffic light commission declared that the state capital Linz is now switched to green. For the Styrian state capital Graz and the federal capital Vienna however still yellow applies. In addition, Innsbruck, Schwaz and the districts of Korneuburg and Wiener Neustadt will be upgraded to this medium risk. The daily newspaper reports further that the mask obligation is also being tightened up again throughout the country, details of which the federal government will announce at a press conference on Friday. In addition, events are to be restricted nationwide – according to current information, they will be put on yellow level.
In addition, all events throughout Austria will be put on yellow level. This means that 2,500 seats are possible indoors (100 without assigned seats) and 5,000 seats outdoors. This was confirmed to oe24 by several commission members. Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, in particular, had urged this.
Seven districts now yellow
However, the traffic light commission has refrained from making a recommendation on switching to orange. This was demanded by the Chancellery for Vienna.
Linz green again
Linz, on the other hand, will turn green again, according to the recommendation. The district of Freistadt, which has high case numbers due to a cluster around a mosque, is also green.
- Hector Pascua, Source: and Picture:
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