New study confirms increased psychological problems as well as a rethinking of personal values.
Vienna. The Corona Crisis has in many ways affected all of our everyday lives. A new online survey conducted by the Market Institute on behalf of Allianz Austria shows how everyday life and health awareness among Austrians has changed so far. A total of 1,000 people aged 14 and over were surveyed.
Great mental stress
While the private and vocational stress decreased, the concerns of Austrians, according to the study, grew however clearly. Already 68% are affected by psychological or mental problems.
Also time and achievement pressure make us more and more difficult. The study shows that 11% of Austrians over 14 years of age claim to be acutely at risk of burnout. Going for a walk is considered the number one “stress killer”.
Nothing is more important than health and family
The study also shows that health awareness has increased in recent months and a new sensitivity for the topic of health has emerged.
According to Christoph Marek, CEO of Allianz Austria, the importance of family, friends and social contacts, which comes before career, partnership and leisure time, has also increased during this period.
Awareness of the value of life increased despite Corona
According to the study, Austrians consider their life to be very worth living even in the Corona crisis.
— Hector Pascua, Source, Picture:
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