Vienna. Nobody can say today how the Covid pandemic will develop until Christmas. But from an epidemiological point of view, the 2020 Christmas celebration will have to be different, not completely but significantly different from what we are used to.
Family celebrations will only take place on a small scale, Christmas markets will be significantly slimmed down or completely cancelled, and new, strict rules will apply to larger gatherings such as Christmas mass or Christmas parties. This will be possible in the future:
Christmas markets: With the security concept
New rules. Essentially, the same conditions apply to Christmas markets as to other outdoor events. Required are “equalization measures”, such as distances between stands, barriers or floor markings. The prevention concept may also include “a system for the traceability of contacts on a voluntary basis of the visitors”. This means: elaborate filling out of slips of paper like in an inn.
Christmas party: Indoor only 10 persons allowed
Small circle. Health Minister Anschober has explicitly clarified that no more than ten people are allowed indoors. Already so far it applied in the appropriate measure regulation that with meetings without assigned and marked places only ten guests in closed areas and maximally 100 are permitted outside. This applies to Christmas celebrations, wedding and birthday parties, etc.
Prevention concept: If 250 people are expected at once, a prevention concept must be submitted. The approval by the district administrative authority must also take into account the epidemiological situation in the area of the Advent or Christmas market and the capacities of the local health authority.
Food & Drink: Rules like in pubs
Punch. As far as food and drink and closing hours at markets are concerned, the same regulations apply as in the catering trade. Stallholders must ensure that consumption does not take place in the immediate vicinity of the serving point (counter). In future, “administration areas” must also be set up so clearly that there is a distance of at least one meter between groups of visitors.
Open-Air-“Christmette” (Midnight Mass): Praying at the open-air fair
Churches, too, must prepare themselves under completely different conditions: How can choirs and groups of wind instruments be used, what applies to the nativity scene? In order to reach the normal attendance figures, some priests would have to hold ten or more Corona-compliant Christmas masses in a row. Open-air church services are therefore being considered.
— Hector Pascua, Source: with reports from Picture:
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