Health Minister Rudolf Anschober confirmed at a press conference today the end of face shields and the revival of the one-meter distance rule in public spaces.. The regulation is to be fixed and presented today.
Face shields would only be used by a manageable group of people, mainly in the catering trade, retail trade and hairdressers. However, he understands very well that wearing a mouth and nose protector all day is a burden. For this reason, there should also be a transitional phase in which the shields are still considered a replacement for a mask. There will also be a special regulation for those persons who cannot wear a closing mask, such as asthmatics.
“Baby elephant” becomes compulsory again
The “baby elephant” as a symbol for keeping one’s distance is celebrating its comeback with this regulation, after the corresponding regulation was repealed by the Constitutional Court (VfGH) and since July existed only as a recommendation. Now the distance of one meter in public space is “re-established as a legally binding requirement”, said Anschober.
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