What does the Corona Regulation mean for driving? Currently, the two-person rule per row of seats (including driver) is mandatory if the people in the vehicle do not live in the same household, the ARBÖ informed on Friday. “Kinship alone is not enough,” explained ARBÖ lawyer Martin Echsel.
So it is still allowed to take the neighbor’s child to the gymnastics club or to go on excursions with a friend. “However, no more than two people per row of seats are allowed. This means that a family of four is not allowed to take anyone from outside the household in the car if the vehicle has only two rows of seats. Deviating regulations apply to cabs, taxi-like businesses and mass transportation. In these cases, a mouth and nose protector must always be worn.
“Private carpools can still be formed and the use of Car-Sharing is also possible, as long as the regulations are adhered to,” Echsel emphasized. With Car-Sharing the ARBÖ recommends in principle to clean the steering wheel as well as the gearshift with disinfectant before using the vehicle and to wash the hands.
- hp, Source: oe24.at. Picture: stockilyapp.com
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