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In the past 24 hours, 4,377 new infections and a record number of deaths (119) were reported.
So far, there have been 254,710 positive test results in Austria. As of today (November 24, 2020, 09:30 a.m.), 2,577 people throughout Austria have died as a result of the corona virus and 182,620 have recovered. At present, 4,689 people are undergoing hospital treatment due to the corona virus, and 704 of these patients are in intensive care units.
The new infections since the last notification are divided among the provinces of Austria as follows:
Burgenland: 172
Carinthia: 261
Lower Austria: 543
Upper Austria: 1.165
Salzburg: 566
Styria: 447
Tyrol: 633
Vorarlberg: 85
Vienna: 505
- hp, Source: sozialministerium.at and oe24.at.
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