Anyone who does not want to be tested because he fears that he will have to go into quarantine if the result is positive cannot expect understanding – at least not that of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. He took part in a discussion round on Puls24 on Monday evening, where he expressed sharp criticism of such ideas. Specifically, the question the chancellor was asked at the Citizens’ Forum was related to K1 people. In short, he said that anyone who did not allow himself to be tested in such a situation was acting “with serious negligence”.
Such a person would accept that he or she might infect others with potentially serious health effects, Kurz said. There had been a similar discussion about the planned mass tests. These had actually been planned for the days just before Christmas, their purpose was to be able to be a little more sure before visiting the family, not to transmit a virus to older relatives. However, because many people did not want to be exposed to the danger of quarantine so close to the holidays, they were postponed to the first week of December.
As far as the prospects for an improvement of the situation are concerned, the chancellor on Puls24 stuck to his already often expressed prognosis that there would be “light at the end of the tunnel” because of vaccinations in the coming summer.
hp, Source: picture:
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