On Wednesday the government wants to communicate concrete steps on how things will continue after the lockdown. There are already fierce debates and wish lists on this. In a letter to Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens), the heads of the nine public hospital operators warn against opening steps that are too rapid.
After the end of the lockdown on December 6, measures should be taken to “reduce the incidence of infection and keep it at a low level,” the “Kleine Zeitung” reported on Monday in advance. The letter, which is available to the “Kleine Zeitung”, bears the signature of the heads of the nine public hospital authorities. The letter has not yet arrived at Anschober’s office, and is said to be sent by Tuesday at the latest.
The second wave had taken the “public hospitals to the edge of their capacity”, the letter says. Thanks to the “outstanding willingness to perform and the personal commitment of the staff”, the “high treatment costs” could be met for the patients.
“Recognizable effects” from lockdown
The representatives of the nine hospital associations expressly welcome the lockdown. The “first noticeable effects” can already be seen, but a “clear and sustainable reduction in the number of infections and thus in the hospitalization rate is urgently needed to relieve the burden on our staff. Low numbers are “essential for a gradual start and guarantee of normal operation”.
According to figures from the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), there are currently around 4,251 patients undergoing hospital treatment, 691 of whom are in intensive care.
hp, Source: austria.ORF.at/agencies
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