According to the latest recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), under certain circumstances one should also wear a mouth and nose protector at home. Especially if you receive visits from outsiders and the ventilation does not work well or its effect cannot be properly assessed.
In recommendations updated on Wednesday, it is stated that this is necessary “regardless of whether a distance of at least one meter can be maintained”. As far as the storage of protective masks is concerned, the masks should not be worn on the arm or wrist, or pulled down to the chin. It would be more hygienic to store the masks in clean, reusable plastic bags.
Recently, the recommendation has also been laid down that in hospitals and nursing homes not only the nursing staff themselves should wear masks, but also all other employees. This would then also apply to office, kitchen and cleaning staff.
According to the WHO, there is no clear answer to the question of the extent to which masks influence the occurrence of infections. The results of the study are contradictory in some cases, it says. However, in the studies mentioned, it was found that wearing a mask in contact with infected persons significantly reduced the risk of infection. In addition, other studies showed that wherever masks were worn, the number of Covid 19 infections fell faster than in regions where masks were not compulsory.
- hp, Source: WHO ress release and picture:
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