A study carried out at the University Hospital of Innsbruck concludes that CoV genes have stable long-term immunity. The results are in line with international findings, explained study leader Florian Deisenhammer in the APA interview.
This has consequences for practical applications, for example when working in exposed areas or when vaccinating. The study was initiated by the Neurology Laboratory and conducted in cooperation with the University Hospital for Psychiatry II and the Institute of Virology.
“The 29 study participants were on average 44 years old and all of them had contracted Covid-19 in March”, Deisenhammer, head of the Neuroimmunology group at the Medical University of Innsbruck, described the study population. Antibodies were determined in all subjects at three points in time, two to eight weeks, three months and six months after onset of symptoms.
“Further larger studies required”.
However, the comparably small patient group must be taken into account. Even if the results coincide with several international studies, further larger studies would be necessary to further consolidate the findings, the neuroimmunologist admitted.
According to Deisenhammer there is no concern about a new illness with the Covid-19-Virus in convalescents. In all cases of recent Covid-19 infections he knew, it was a reactivation of the virus and thus not a real new disease.
hp, Source: ORF.at/agencies. picture: pixabay.com
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