“RECIPES for Keeps” is a lockdown project of the European Network of Filipino Diaspora – Austria (ENFiD-Austria) in lieu of its activities and events which were either cancelled or re-scheduled to 2021 due to the CoViD-19 pandemic. What started out as a simple cookbook for its members, became a collection of recipes developed while sheltering in place, consisting of 79 mouth watering recipes from 46 contributors from 5 continents across the world: Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, South America.

For Ana Maria Langer, ENFiD Auditor, Cookbook Coordinator, who developed the concept, edited and produced the book, this project turned out to be an enjoyable journey of discovery as she consolidated diverse cuisines, heirloom recipes and unique cooking methods.
The multigenerational contributors who shared one or more of their heirloom family recipes are from different backgrounds with varied levels of cooking expertise: from a young boy of 13 in Vienna to a 94 year old grandma in Cavite – from chefs and hobby cooks, restaurateurs and food bloggers, diplomats and influencers, musicians and beauty queens, international civil servants, nurses and housewives , which makes this collection of recipes uniquely interesting. Join the virtual global book launching on Sunday, 13 December 2020, 16:00. Check time at your location via: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com)
Free access to the virtual global book launching of RECIPES for Keeps via zoom, by clicking on the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84431135036?pwd=TUFhS08zL2k2czZKNHpxWE0rc1VyZz09 :
using the meeting number: 844 3113 5036 and passcode: ENFiD-AUT. This is your chance to meet recipe contributors such as Ms Earth 2014 Jamie Herrell from California, content creator, vlogger Erwan Heusaff, International Director of Rotary Australia World Community Ava Quibranza Livne, restaurateurs/owners of the Aristocrat mother-daughter Millie and Karla and Giboy Sarayba of Josephine Restaurant and mother-daughter Maria Editha and Deborah Niklaus of Bouillon Restaurant in Switzerland, food historian Ige Ramos, NY based university Professor Esmeralda Ortiz-Luis, YouTube Channel Creator Erminna Carlos-Demdem, Vienna based tenor extraordinary Abdul Candao, and many more.
The proceeds from the initial sales of this cookbook has been earmarked for 3 beneficiaries: to provide food and medicines to indigent families in Negros Occidental; to provide books and school supplies to over 80 school children in Palawan; and to assist a Blaan indigenous tribal community in South Cotabato. This is made possible with the generous support of the sponsors, donors and everyone who assisted towards the realization of this project. “It is a pleasure to support a vibrant organization such as ENFiD-Austria in a commendable project that benefits victims of man-made and natural calamities in the Philippines” Simmy Chirayath, Owner/Manager, MTC Exotic Supermarkt in Vienna, Austria.
Founded in Vienna on 15 October 2017, the European Network of Filipino Diaspora
Austria (ENFiD-Austria) is among the 19 member countries oft he Europe wide organization, ENFiD (website: ENFiD – Connecting Filipinos in Europe)
Despite its relatively short existence and with only 7 adult and 2 youth members, it has already made a name in the Filipino and international community, through the various activities and events it has organized and the projects it has undertaken, aligned with the Mission and Vision of ENFiD within the framework of the four major programmes and advocacies. These programmes include: Educate and Learn, Embrace the Environment, Elevate Arts, Culture and Sports and Empower Euro Pinoy Youth.
Establishing and strengthening synergies in the diaspora locally and globally, this is the raison d‘ etre of ENFiD-Austria. „Together-Stronger“—a mantra that has kept ENFiD-Austria going. Facing challenges in the midst of the CoViD-19 pandemic, the Organization has not been derailed nor has it wavered in its resolve towards the realization of beneficial synergies in the diaspora.
According to HE Maria Cleofe R. Natividad, Ambassador of the Philippines to the Republic of Austria with concurrent jurisdiction over the Republic of Croatia, Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic:„The recipes in this book neither pretend tob e products of „culinary engineering“ nor aspire tob e creations of „molecular gastronomy“. They are instead labors of passion that are so assured, they need only be measured against a single standard whether they generate happiness. They also have the added value of enabling us to experience one of the few luxuries of these times: to travel on our tastebuds“.
For more information
M: 0043 6991 4596190

PRESS RELEASE, from Maria Zelda Magistrado Rojas
ENFiD-Austria, Chair, ENFiD Board Member, Production/Image Editing – RECIPES for Keeps
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