First vaccine doses go to Simmering

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The first CoV vaccinations could be given in Austria this year, in nursing homes in Vienna and Lower Austria. A pharmaceutical wholesaler in Vienna-Simmering is to receive the first 10,000 vaccine doses Austria-wide – the refrigerators are prepared.

Three special refrigerators are ready at the pharmaceutical wholesaler Herba Chemosan in Vienna-Simmering. There, the vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer must then be stored at a minimum of minus 70 degrees. “Between 160,000 and 170,000 doses go into one of these refrigerators,” CEO Andreas Windischbauer described to “Wien heute.” “There you can already see that we have more than enough storage volume.”

No details yet on Viennese homes
According to the Ministry of Health’s vaccination strategy, vaccinations will start first in nursing homes and homes for the elderly, possibly around the Christmas holidays – and for logistical reasons, first in Vienna and Lower Austria. Which homes in Vienna should make the beginning, gave the office of Health City Council Peter Hacker (SPÖ) on Wednesday on request not yet announced.

As soon as the second delivery of the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine arrives, according to the plan of the Ministry of Health, health personnel in hospitals will also be vaccinated, as well as personnel in doctors’ offices and rescue organizations and employees in mobile services for elderly care. High-risk groups and the elderly follow – read more at

After thawing five days time for vaccination
Further vaccine deliveries will then also be brought to the vaccination sites by other pharmaceutical wholesalers, according to Herba-Chemosan CEO Windischbauer, who is also president of the Association of Austrian Pharmaceutical Wholesalers. According to Windischbauer, there will be vaccine refrigerators at 17 locations throughout Austria.

Already stored in Simmering are also large quantities of accessories for vaccination, which the Republic ordered in recent weeks. “The vaccination center should get everything it needs for vaccination. That means: the needles, the syringes, the cannulas for drawing up, also the sodium cloride for dissolving this vaccine,” Windischbauer describes the plans.

The vaccines are delivered in refrigerated containers and via vans. Once thawed, the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine must be administered within five days. However, it is still a matter of waiting: the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will only decide on the approval on December 21.

hp, Source: picture:

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