Vienna is at the bottom of the league when it comes to waste separation. At Christmas, a time when a lot of waste is generated, this has a particularly strong effect on the amount of residual waste.
Around Christmas, 20 percent more waste is generated than in the rest of the year. The Association of Austrian Waste Management Companies (VOEB) drew attention to this on Sunday. Gaby Jüly, president of the VOEB, appealed for more waste separation: “Our goal: less residual waste, more separate collection. Who wants to reduce waste, buys only really needed food, always has his own shopping bag with him and does without unnecessary packaging.”
“In any case, it should be considered which waste actually belongs in the residual waste. After all, the old cell phone, the empty wine bottle or the cardboard toy packaging are valuable old materials that can be recycled and must be disposed of separately,” Jüly emphasized. On average, Austrians collect 172 kilograms of waste materials per year, or a total of 1.5 million tons.
Vienna brings up the rear in waste separation
The Tyroleans and Upper Austrians are particularly industrious, separating 206 and 201 kilograms of waste materials per year respectively, with Vienna bringing up the rear with only 118 kilograms. However, 600,000 tons of recyclable materials also end up in the residual waste each year, the VOEB referred to a survey by the University of Leoben. Jüly: “My wish for Christmas: a maximum of 100 kg of residual waste and twice as much collected recyclable materials per year and inhabitant.”
hp, Source:APA/ picture:
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