From Christmas celebration to the third lockdown

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Today, December 25, ten persons are still allowed to enjoy the christmas festivities at home, but starting tomorrow, life will be restricted. The rules at a glance.

At midnight tonight, the third Covid Emergency Measures Ordinance goes into effect. It regulates the lockdown, which will initially apply until January 4. Then it must be extended by parliament – with the votes of the ÖVP and the Greens, this is considered fixed. It is planned that the restrictions will remain in place until January 17.
From January 18, everything is then to be opened up, from schools to gastronomy to culture. In the first week, visits to restaurants or shopping will only be allowed with a negative Covid test. Exactly how this will be regulated – and controlled – has not yet been determined.

In the third lockdown, the following rules will apply from Dec. 26:
▶Exit restrictions will again apply around the clock starting at midnight. Leaving one’s own living area remains permitted under the known exceptional reasons.
▶Contacts will be severely restricted. Meetings are allowed only between a household (one or more persons) with a single person of another household. This also applies to gardens, barns, garages. Meetings with a life partner or supervisory duties over minor children are excluded. Thus, grandparents or babysitters may supervise several siblings at the same time.
▶There are no exceptions for New Year’s Eve; all curfew and contact restrictions apply at the turn of the year.
▶All schools will start distance teaching after the end of the Christmas vacations on January 7, so students will stay at home. Face-to-face classes are scheduled to resume on January 18.
The retail sector will be closed up to and including 17 January, except for basic suppliers (including grocery stores, drugstores, pharmacies, post offices, banks, tobacconists, gas stations). Newly permitted is the collection of ordered goods – but only outdoors.
▶All services close to the body, such as hairdressers, must close again. Permitted remain visits to motor vehicle and bicycle repair shops.
▶The catering and hotel industry will remain closed for customer operations. Pickup is permitted from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.; the sale of open alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Delivery services remain permitted without time restrictions.
▶Outdoor sports alone remain permitted. Outdoor sports facilities (such as cross-country ski trails or ice rinks) are open, a minimum distance and 10 m2 per person applies.
▶All contact sports (such as soccer) remain prohibited. Indoor sports venues remain closed to amateur athletes.
▶Events remain almost completely prohibited for the time being. Libraries and museums will have to close again.
▶Entering leisure facilities remains prohibited. Affected by the closures are, among others, zoos, indoor swimming pools, amusement parks, dance schools, betting shops and casinos, prostitution establishments.
▶ In homes for the elderly, nursing homes and homes for the disabled, only one visit per patient per week is still possible. Employees must take a Corona test every week. The same rules apply in hospitals. There are exceptions to the visiting rules for pregnant women or hospice care, among others.
▶ Marriages at the registry office are still only possible in exceptional cases. Wedding ceremonies are prohibited. As before, a maximum of 50 people may attend funerals.
▶The one-meter distance rule in public spaces remains in effect. When staying in enclosed public spaces, an additional mouth-nose protection (MNS) must be worn.

— hjp, Source: picture:

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