Covid 19 vaccine given to 15,905 people in Austria

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Covid-19 vaccines have been delivered for vaccination in Austria for 15,905 people so far. This figure was announced by the Ministry of Health at noon on Thursday and reported by the Austrian Press Agency. By the end of the week, about 30,000 people are expected to have been vaccinated. In the coming week, at least another 55,000 vaccinations will take place, the ministry announced.

Of the doses of the manufacturer Biontech/Pfizer delivered immediately for vaccination, the most have gone to Vorarlberg with 5,525. This means that the westernmost province has received more than one-third of the vaccinated doses, accounting for 4.5 percent of the total population. Vienna has so far received 5,330 doses for vaccination, Lower Austria 2,690, Salzburg 905. Tyrol has received 485 vaccine doses, Upper Austria 460 and Carinthia 300. Burgenland has received 170 doses for vaccination, and Styria, with a population of over 1.24 million, 40, although this figure was already given last Tuesday.

64,920 vaccine doses for immediate use have been ordered from the Bundesbeschaffung GmbH (BBG) until Thursday. Lower Austria got the most (16,030), followed by Styria, where immediate need for 8,805 doses has been declared, Vorarlberg (8,490), Vienna (7,540), Upper Austria (5,835), Carinthia and East Tyrol (5,800), Tyrol (5,310), Salzburg (5,125) and Burgenland (1,985).

Meanwhile, the city of Vienna is already planning for the phase in which coronavirus vaccinations will not be used only for special target groups, as is currently the case. One will probably begin in the second quarter with the area-wide vaccination, said health city councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) on Thursday at the media appointment on the occasion of the imminent start of the mass tests. These could be a kind of model for mass vaccination.

“It is conceivable that we also set up a similar infrastructure for vaccination,” the councilor said. In Vienna, the mass tests are conducted at three locations, namely the Stadthalle, the Messe and the Marx Halle. They will run for ten days, theoretically more than 900,000 people can be examined in the process.

It is not yet clear exactly when the major vaccination campaign will take place. A pre-registration platform for people who would like to take advantage of the offer is to go online from 18 January. However, it will not be possible to make an appointment there for the time being.

At present the vaccine is administered in Vienna – as in the entire federal territory – above all to persons in nursing and senior citizen facilities as well as in hospitals – primarily in Covid stations. The start took place before the turn of the year in the General Hospital (AKH), which according to the “Kurier” will have about 7,000 employees vaccinated in the coming weeks, as well as in the clinic Favoriten. Since yesterday, Wednesday, the second round of vaccinations is underway.

According to Hacker, the willingness to be vaccinated in the care facilities is high. It is up to 80 percent among residents, he said. Among staff, it’s slightly lower, at 70 percent.

  • Source: APA, picture:
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