The health minister does not accept the comparison with record holder Israel, because the EU has made a concerted effort to develop the vaccine – also in terms of research. In this way, national solo efforts were avoided.
Anschober also explains that vaccinations can be given more quickly in a vaccination line than in nursing homes – where there are challenges such as residents under guardianship.
In addition, there are now 3.8 million promised vaccine doses from Biontech/Pfizer, the federal government remains responsible for procurement, and vaccine from Moderna will also arrive by March. Likewise, Astra Zeneca is taking care as soon as possible.
52,925 people are currently vaccinated, Anschober now answers the questions of the SPÖ. Vaccinations are currently taking place in old people’s and nursing homes and in exposed health care professions. 9.3 million doses are to come from Biontech/Pfizer by the end of the year. A shipment of 61,000 doses would now come each week.
The Ministry of Health’s vaccination status dashboard is currently being further developed – and also populated with demographic data, he said. Vaccination roads are being prepared, details of which will be available tomorrow. Anschober: “This is a national tour de force.”
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