Over the past three months, the Austrian Corona Panel Project has asked 1,500 Austrians whether they have had themselves tested for the corona virus. The number of those who have been tested is rising steadily – but remains at a worryingly low level. This is what project manager and economic sociologist Bernhard Kittel said in the “Ö1 Morgenjournal”.
In mid-February, 12 percent said they had themselves tested once a week or more. One month later, the proportion of this group was twice as high. Between mid-January and mid-February, the proportion of those who had never been tested was 41 percent. One month later, this figure was 31 percent. Nineteen percent had been tested once in those four weeks. Kittel suspects this is a case of people who wanted to access a service that was close to their bodies.
“If half the population doesn’t know where they stand, that’s a very critical number,” Kittel says. High incidence numbers would come from contacts between people who haven’t tested themselves and don’t know whether they are contagious or not.
According to the study, there are correlations between socioeconomic factors and willingness to test. Younger people, for example, went for testing more often than older people. The better educated are also more likely to go for Corona testing. Followers of conspiracy myths, on the other hand, would be less likely to take up testing opportunities.
- source: derstandard.at
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