Update: Until April 18 in Eastern Austria — the rules of the current lockdown

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Update – 12.04.2021 – AUSTRIA. The measures for the Easter days until April 18 in brief are:

There is a curfew restriction from 0 to midnight with the known exceptions such as assistance in emergencies, meeting necessary basic needs, recreation and professional reasons.

Closure of trade (exception for those stores that offer goods of daily use such as food, pharmacies), the services close to the body
In addition, home offices are encouraged, physical meetings are to be avoided, the minimum distance of 2 meters is to be observed, an FFP2 mask is to be worn and self-tests are to be carried out before any meetings. In Vienna, masks are compulsory in busy places

FFP2 mask must be worn at the workplace

How and until when can I do Easter shopping?
Retail and service providers, with the exception of basic services, remain closed. Food stores, pharmacies, tobacconists and other necessary areas of daily life, including pet food stores, the post office or banks, are exempted. Car and bicycle repair shops may also remain open. Click&collect in retail remains allowed.

From when to when does the curfew apply?
For the time being, the curfew restrictions will apply in eastern Austria until April 18, and they will be in effect all day. The previous exceptions remain valid.

How high is the penalty if I violate the curfew?
Anyone who violates the curfew commits an administrative offense. The penalty range is up to 1,450 euros.

Can I meet my family?
In the East, family visits are allowed when an individual visits another household. There is an exception, for example, to supervise minors. The Ministry of Health urges people not to hold family meetings and not to travel.

May I travel from Vienna to Styria to visit my family?
As a general rule, one is only allowed to leave one’s house or apartment for certain reasons, such as shopping, providing assistance, contact with parents, children and siblings, and to spend time outdoors, either walking animals or for “physical and mental recreation.” These exceptions are also the only reasons people are allowed to leave or enter federal lands during the lockdown. However: family visits are allowed when an individual is visiting another household. So a single person is allowed to visit his parents in Styria, a family from Vienna is also allowed to visit a single relative in another federal state. Trips to the secondary residence are allowed.

Are my parents from Tyrol allowed to visit me in Vienna?
Again, parents are allowed to come from the western provinces to the eastern ones, such as Vienna, but only if the person they are visiting is alone. Because: Only one single person is allowed to visit a household at a time

May I travel from Lower Austria to Upper Austria for shopping?
No! A shopping trip but also a visit to the hairdresser, for example from Burgenland to Styria or from Lower Austria to Upper Austria, is not allowed according to the draft regulation.

Is a Viennese allowed to travel to his secondary residence in Tyrol?
Yes! This is because traveling to the secondary residence counts as a basic need and is therefore legal.

Is there an exit test obligation when leaving Vienna, Lower Austria or Burgenland?
So far, an exit test obligation applies to Tyrol and the districts of Wiener Neustadt and Neunkirchen in Lower Austria.

Can I travel abroad during the lockdown?
No. The curfew restrictions prohibit leaving private living quarters except to meet basic needs.

Will the pub gardens open?
No, restaurants and hotels will remain closed, and pub gardens will still be closed. However, I can continue to pick up my food in pubs.

Where and when do I have to wear an FFP2 mask?
Since April 1, the FFP2 mask obligation is to apply in all closed rooms, except of course in one’s own living area and when one is alone in a room. FFP2 mask obligation also exists outdoors, in all highly frequented places. By the way: children up to 6 years of age are exempt from the FFP2 mask obligation, also children up to 14 years of age do not have to wear an FFP2 mask, a tight-fitting mouth-nose protection is sufficient.

In Vienna, masks are compulsory in crowded places
Since Thursday, April 1, there is a FFP2 mask obligation at highly frequented place in Vienna also in the free one, ordered mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ).

Am I allowed to work in a home office?
Although there is an urgent request from the Minister of Health to work in a home office where possible, there is still no obligation. Instead, there will be more company tests: In the future, at least one test per week is to be mandatory in the company; the only alternative is to switch to the home office.

Can my child go to kindergarten?
Yes, kindergartens will remain open.

Can I drive home as a commuter?
Borders will be more tightly controlled: Two tests per week are to become mandatory for commuters. The Czech Republic and Hungary in particular were mentioned during the presentation of the measures.

Am I allowed to go out to exercise?
Yes! As far as the restrictions on going out are concerned, the exceptions that have already applied apply, only on a full-time basis. This means that people are only allowed to leave their own four walls for urgent reasons that cannot be postponed. This also includes individual sports. Skiing also remains permitted.

Can I go to the hairdresser?
Service providers close to the body, such as hairdressers, are closed until April 18.

Could an even tougher lockdown be coming?
Yes, because if the situation in the intensive care units does not improve, tighter measures are also conceivable, at least in Vienna: if the measures do not bring about a reduction in the numbers, Vienna’s mayor Ludwig would “enforce even more far-reaching measures,” as he announced at a press conference.

Could the lockdown be extended to all of Austria?
Yes, depending on the incidence, tighter measures will also come in the western provinces or in certain regions. Currently, due to the British mutation, which mainly occurs in districts of Schwaz and Kufstein in Tyrol, a testing obligation was again agreed with the Ministry of Health – this also affects the departure from the whole of Northern Tyrol.

What will happen after April 18?
It is unclear how long retail stores, personal service providers such as hairdressers, pedicurists or beauticians as well as zoos and museums will now remain closed.

  • source: sozialministerium.at

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