Starting on May 19, Austria wants to take a step towards normality again. For most people, normality also includes traveling. No matter whether in Austria or however also into the neighbouring foreign country.
From May 19, for areas in the categories “Green”, “Yellow” and “Orange” there will be free entry without quarantine and without entry tests.
From the “Red” category, entry will be allowed only for those who have tested negative, recovered or vaccinated. All entrants who do not meet one of the three criteria must be quarantined.
Definitely in quarantine must enter from countries in the category “dark red”. You must be tested, recovered or vaccinated, but a ten-day quarantine follows. However, free testing is possible from the fifth day.
What is the current situation?
Currently (as of Wednesday, April 28 at 4:30 p.m.), for example, only parts of Finland would be in the “green” category. “Orange” currently include parts of Norway and Finland, as well as Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, parts of Spain, or even Madeira or Malta. “Dark red” as an example would be parts of France and the Czech Republic and all of Sweden.
It is important to note that only Austria follows this map. Other entry regulations also apply throughout for the individual countries. For example in Italy. There, restaurants, museums, cinemas and theaters are allowed to reopen, but strict regulations continue to apply to those entering the country. Those who want to enter Italy must bring a negative PCR or antigen test that is no more than 48 hours old and then enter a five-day quarantine. To end this, another negative test is required.
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