According to the survey, (made by Austria Trend by Peter Hajek for APA and ATV), 73 percent say no to the Corona vaccine from AstraZeneca. The second approved vector vaccine from Johnson&Johnson also has a slight image problem, with 31 percent disapproving. Overall, however, willingness to be immunized has increased.
In the April survey, 52 percent said they were either already vaccinated or would at least get vaccinated. Twenty-seven percent said immunization was at least unlikely, and the rest were considering it. In January, the ratio was still 41 to 34. Nevertheless, according to Hajek, this overall low figure should ensure that the government can keep its promise to provide every person willing to be vaccinated with at least an initial partial immunization by the beginning of July.
Over-60s most likely to vaccinate
Austrians without a high school diploma refuse vaccination twice as often as those with a high school diploma. The over-60s are the most likely to vaccinate, while among young people under 30 there is neither too much approval nor too much disapproval.
- sources: and APA/picture:
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