Do you have a restless sleep and keep waking up at the same time of the night? Sleep experts and psychologists have been getting to the bottom of this phenomenon with the help of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Sleepless nights can be cruel, especially the next morning when you feel like you’re exhausted. Insomnia includes the inability to fall asleep, waking up at night, or shallow and restless sleep.
Until now, scientists and sleep researchers agreed that insomnia depends on various factors. Among them, sudden change of weather, caffeinated drinks before going to bed, uncomfortable mattresses, time differences, uncomfortable temperature in the bedroom, but also sudden excitement and worries with which to fall asleep.
Sleepless? Incongruous balance between body and mind
With the help of TCM, the British online magazine Psychologies has now delved even deeper into the subject of “sleep problems”. According to this, scientists found that waking up regularly at night at certain times also indicates specific worries.
According to TCM, the life energy Qi flows through our body. Qi affects the psyche, but also the physique and organs. When the balance between body and mind is no longer right, for example because of illness or stress, sleep disorders spread. The night has been divided into three different time zones:
If you often wake up in this period, then you belong to the perfectionists. You want to get everything perfectly under one hat. All tasks must be done not 100 percent, but 1000 percent. If the glass is not in its place in the kitchen cupboard or the pencil is not tidied up, then this already drives you up the wall. This permanent perfectionism causes an inner stress. You constantly have the feeling that you still have to get something done. - WAKING UP AT NIGHT BETWEEN 3.00 A.M. AND 5.00 A.M.
If you often sleep fitfully between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., this could indicate fear of loss. Terrible thoughts are buzzing in your head that won’t let you rest. Your worries and discomfort have to do with loss or parting.
You have just experienced the death of a loved one or you still haven’t gotten over it? A separation from your life partner could also be imminent or have already taken place. Try to talk about it in conversations with your loved ones. Only in this way will you manage to fight your fears of loss and sleep well through the night.
Between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. do you often lie in bed sleepless, even if your alarm doesn’t go off and you could stay in bed longer? This time indicates that you are plagued by dissatisfaction, disappointment and frustration in your life.
You feel that boredom and immobility are spreading in your life. The urge and the desire for change are getting stronger and stronger. In order for you to be truly ready to change your life either professionally or personally, you should give yourself a lot of good energy and inspiration.
5 tips against restless sleep
- do not eat too late – Avoid late and hard-to-digest food in the evening.
- fresh air – Ventilate your bedroom properly before you go to sleep.
- ideal room temperature – Avoid a bedroom that is too warm. Ideal bedroom temperature is between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius.
- avoid caffeinated drinks – You should not drink coffee or cola in the evening – but also no alcohol. This makes you tired and lets you fall asleep faster, but the sleep is rather restless.
- relaxation exercises – Try relaxation exercises that you enjoy. Whether yoga or meditation exercises – they let you switch off from everyday problems and worries and improve your sleep quality.
— hp with reports from and
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