More than four million vaccine doses have already been administered in Austria. Some people remain skeptical and keep pointing out supposed dangers associated with the vaccination. Most recently, the number of 80 cases who had contracted corona despite full immunization was also circulating through social media, according to a report by the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG).
80 ill among 960,000 vaccinated people
Although the figure is correct, it must be assessed in relation to the fully immunized population. Among these, the report counts all persons from 7 days after the second vaccination, or 28 days after a 1-dose vaccine such as Johnson & Johnson was administered. By May 14, the number of fully immunized people in Austria was exactly 959,176, making the 80 cases in which corona disease occurred despite vaccination only 0.008 percent – or about one person in 10,000.
The figures available so far show that apparently fewer people in Austria contracted Covid-19 after full vaccination protection than would actually have been expected on the basis of the registration studies. In the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine trials, eight out of 18,198 vaccinated people fell ill, but 162 out of 18,325 non-vaccinated people did. 0.044 percent of those vaccinated therefore fell ill. This compares with 0.078 percent for Moderna, 1.2 percent for AstraZeneca and 0.336 percent for the Janssen vaccine.
In principle, people who fall ill despite complete Covid 19 vaccination would not have formed enough antibodies or would not have formed efficient antibodies, explains Markus Zeitlinger, head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the Medical University of Vienna. The immune system plays a role here. In older people, for example, it responds less to vaccination; they have a weaker immune system.
Who has a higher risk
Certain people who take medication, such as organ transplant patients, also have a weaker immune system because the medication suppresses their immune system, Zeitlinger explains: “These are people who are particularly at risk here.” According to Zeitlinger, the eight people who died after receiving full vaccination protection were mainly old and very old people.
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