In Vienna, 18- to 30-year-olds can register for the Corona vaccination starting Wednesday. There are 35,000 vaccination appointments available for this group starting next Monday, June 28. Young adults will be immunized with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Here, only one vaccination is needed for full protection.
Corona vaccination premiere at the Austria Center
Already from Tuesday, children and young people between twelve and 19 years can register for the vaccination. On Friday, the first stitches will be taken at the Austria Center, using the vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer. There are 10,000 appointments for this age group.
Additional Corona vaccination appointments to follow
The vaccination of youth is also being carried out in Vienna with a view to the announced further relaxation and opening of night-time catering. The 35,000 vaccine doses are just the “first step in the planning” for this age group, Hacker said. Tens of thousands more dates will then be added in July – depending on the exact vaccine deliveries. As of the 22nd day after the Johnson & Johnson vaccination, one is fully immunized. “No second appointments. No hassles,” Hacker spokesman Mario Dujakovic stated on Twitter.
According to the spokesman, 43 percent of those aged 30 to 39 in Vienna have already been vaccinated for the first time, 36 percent of those aged 20 to 29 and 15 percent of those aged 16 to 19. In the 12 to 15 age group, only 0.7 percent have received the first sting so far. These rates have been achieved via vaccination of at-risk groups and workplace immunizations. “Younger people have been in solidarity with older people. Now it’s only fair to focus more on them when vaccinating,” Dujakovic tweeted.
- surces: and APA/picture:
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