The City of Vienna is sending out more than one million PCR tests from its “Alles gurgelt” campaign to Viennese households. Just before the vacations, the tests should detect a few more asymptomatic cases.
Detecting mutations with PCR tests
Currently, “Alles gurgelt” test kits are being sent to all Viennese households. The campaign is taking place in cooperation with the postal service and covers more than one million households in the federal capital. In a release on Friday, the city pointed out the relevance of the PCR tests, especially in light of the spread of the more contagious delta variant of the coronavirus, which is already responsible for about 25 percent of new infections.
Gargle tests: cooperation with the postal service
All households will also receive an information leaflet explaining the project in detail. The valid PCR tests also detect asymptomatic cases and track down mutations. In addition, for many children, the regular testing opportunity is eliminated when school ends, and “Alles gurgelt” offers every opportunity to continue testing the entire family – also and especially before vacation trips, the City of Vienna emphasized in a release.
44,000 PCR tests per day
To date, 3.4 million samples have been evaluated as part of “Alles gurgelt,” of which 0.31 percent (10,578) were positive. The number of PCR tests performed last week was 306,000 tests – an average of just under 44,000 per day. The number of positive tests has been declining; the previous week, the rate was 0.1 percent.
Distribution in Rewe stores
Since the launch of the pilot project, more than eight million test kits have already been handed out in Bipa stores in Vienna. More than 700,000 people have already registered for the web app of project partner Lead Horizon, which they can use to regularly hand in gargle samples at 650 Rewe locations in Vienna.
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