The Ministry of Health published figures on unauthorized vaccines in Austria for the first time on Tuesday. At least 529 Austrians had themselves vaccinated with Sputnik and Co.
Vaccination map of Austria
It is not known how many Austrians have been vaccinated with a Corona vaccine not approved in the EU. How many of them are recorded in the E-vaccination card was published by the Ministry of Health for the first time on Tuesday: according to this, only 529 people have reported a vaccination with Sputnik or Sinovac. They do not have much from the registration, because a vaccination certificate is only available with one of the four approved vaccines.
Over 5 million Austrians vaccinated
As of Monday inclusive, 5,041,675 people have been vaccinated, the majority with the active ingredient from Biontech/Pfizer (3,595,007), another 801,244 with Astrazenca and 493,430 with Moderna. Johnson & Johnson’s active ingredient – which requires only one dose – was given to 151,465 people.
No vaccination certificate for unapproved vaccines
Vaccinations with one of the active ingredients not approved in the EU are recorded in the vaccination certificate in the category “not assigned”. This currently affects 529 people (or 878 vaccinations including second shots). Anyone who has been vaccinated abroad with Sputnik or Sinovac can have this recorded in the vaccination certificate. However, there is no vaccination certificate for this, as the Ministry of Health emphasizes.
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