NIGHT GASTRO AND MASKS The new rules at a glance

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After the extensive relaxations of July 1, the next changes to the coronavirus measures are in effect as of today, July 22. These include a tightening in night gastronomy, but also the end of mandatory masks in many stores (except supermarkets, pharmacies, etc.), museums and libraries in all provinces except Vienna. Below is an overview of the current nationwide regulation – along with references to the additional measures enacted by the federal states.

Night catering/gastronomy
Access to night catering is now only possible for vaccinated persons and persons with a current negative PCR test result. In exchange, capacity restrictions will no longer apply.

A possible exception to this “2-G rule” is provided by the new CoV measures regulation for “gatherings” such as tent festivals. The background to this is that, in view of the need for official approval in this case, the competent district administrative authorities can take account of the current regional epidemiological situation.

Gatherings of 100 or more people are subject to notification. In addition, gatherings of 500 or more persons must be approved. In principle, there are no maximum limits or capacity restrictions here either. For gatherings of 100 people or more, participants must present “3-G proof” (vaccinated, tested or recovered), which must be checked by the person responsible. The latter must also draw up and implement a prevention concept and appoint a person responsible for CoV matters.

“3-G rule” remains central basis
According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, the basic rule for openings remains “that they are made under special safety precautions” and the “3-G” based safety concept. A “3-G proof” is mandatory for the following areas:

Body-related services
Hotels and lodging
Recreational facilities
Cultural facilities (with the exception of museums, libraries, libraries and archives)
Non-public sports facilities
Meetings (with more than 100 participants)
Trade and public fairs, congresses, coaches and excursion boats
The “3-G rule” also applies to:

for the provision of mobile nursing and care services;
for visitors and employees of retirement and nursing homes as well as patients in residential facilities for the disabled;
for residents for new admission to old people’s and nursing homes and patient in residential facilities for the disabled;
for visitors and employees of hospitals or convalescent homes;
for employees of other places where health services are provided.

Contact information
In some areas, contact data is also collected from visitors who spend more than 15 minutes at the location in question. Affected are catering and accommodation establishments, non-public sports and leisure facilities, and gatherings of more than 100 people.

Mask requirement
In all places where the “3-G rule” applies, the mask requirement is generally waived. This also applies to employees in those areas where “3-G proof” is required.

There are exceptions to the mask requirement for retirement and nursing homes and health care facilities. The following groups of persons are required to wear mouth-nose protection (MNS):

Visitors and employees of retirement and nursing homes as well as patient in residential facilities for the disabled.
visitors and employees of hospitals or health resorts
employees, patients, visitors and accompanying persons at other places where health care services are provided.
The respective institution may additionally provide for stricter regulations.

MNS in “public transport”, cabs and supermarkets
Mandatory wearing of a mouth-nose protection in enclosed spaces also remains in the following areas:

Public transportation and its stations
Cable cars and rack railways
Customer areas at administrative authorities and administrative courts in the context of party traffic
Places of daily use (supermarket, gas station, pharmacy, bank, etc.)
As of July 22, with the exception of Vienna, the mask requirement has been dropped in the retail sector. Already with July 1 there is no obligation to keep the minimum distance to other persons.

Regional measures – example mask obligation in Vienna
The federal states still have the option of enacting additional measures. Vienna, in particular, made use of this, where there continues to be a mask obligation in the entire trade even after July 22.

“Vaccinated” only when fully immunized
A change in the proof of vaccination has already been decided nationwide. As of August 15, people will only be considered vaccinated once they have been fully immunized. The certificate will be issued from the day of the second vaccination. The regulations for persons who are vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson as well as for recovered and tested persons remain unchanged.

sources:, Regulation (RIS), Ministry of Social Affairs

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