New daily Corona infections will continue to rise through Aug. 12. While that estimate of about 490 daily cases through mid-August is unsurprising, the case-rate estimate released Thursday by the Covid Forecast Consortium reveals another explosive development. That’s because while the number of hospital patients has been declining so far despite rising infections, it will now begin to rise as well, it said.
It is predicted that the covering of the total intensive care bed capacity – a total of 2,042 beds – will increase from 1.86 to 2.5 percent. The number of patients in normal wards is expected to increase from the current 81 to 108. The consortium sees a positive and a negative trend in the further forecast as far as the development of the pandemic in Austria is concerned, the report further states.
Positive: After the predicted increase in cases, there should be several days or even weeks, as in the summer of the previous year, in which the infection figures would remain constant. Negative: Jumpy corona increases and large clusters could occur, especially in younger people, because vaccination coverage in this age group is not quite low, the report said. For Aug. 5, the consortium expects an incidence of 39.2 – currently it is 31.9.
The most recent figures on vaccination in Austria: From 12 to 15 years, 5.4 percent fully immunized and 20.8 percent partially immunized; from 16 to 25 years, 34.4 percent fully immunized and 51.3 percent partially immunized; from 26 to 35 years, 41.7 percent fully immunized and 54.6 percent partially immunized; among 36- to 45-year-olds, 49.7 percent fully immunized and 61.5 percent partially immunized, from 46 to 55 years 59.6% fully and 67.5% partially, from 56 to 65 years 70.8% fully and 77, from 66 to 75 years 79.2% fully and 83.6% partially and finally among those persons older than 75 years 82.5% fully immunized and 86.2% partially immunized.
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